2018 – My year in rhyme

2018 – My year in rhyme
I started the year in a positive mood 
After a healthy Christmas with not too much food 
New Year's resolutions I don't tend to make 
But I do set goals and give my attitude a shake

January was training, running and work 
Long runs in the dark I never did shirk 
Training hard through wind and rain 
Preparing to tackle the Arc again 

Time off work but not to relax 
Keeping the mileage to the max 
Rain and mud and coastal trips 
Then came the taper to rest my hips 

February saw me on trip south west 
To conquer Cornish coastline I'd do my best 
My second attempt at the Arc of Attrition 
To finish this time was my mission 

The train journey to Cornwall was not great 
Down the train loo went my iPhone, what a state! 
An emergency phone purchased in haste 100 miles to run, no energy to waste 

Regrettably the Arc buckle wasn't to be :( 
Although some more of the coastline I did get to see 
Despite my determination to get the job done 
To hyperthermia I eventually did succumb 

MudCrew were great, the medics were too 
I was gutted AGAIN but what can you do? 
Dusted myself down and entered again 
In 2019 my AoA buckle to gain 

March brought a cold spell and with it snow 
We don't get chilly weather often nowadays you know 
Running in the woods was enchanted and white 
Even though my hands nearly got frost bite 

In April my birthday, a big one this year 
I turned 50 ....I know I look nowhere near ;) 
Age doesn't worry me, no concerns to show 
For 50 is the the new 30 you know :) 

I was still training hard - I don't take a break 
Springtime - the next challenge to take 
TP100 my goal, I'd run it before 
My first 100 miler, I was back for more! 

In May came the race, with it a heatwave 
It's flat with little shelter, but my best shot I gave 
Sweltering and monotonous along the Thames Path 
103 miles of hot tow path, not such a laugh. 

But it's what I love and it's what I do 
So many of my Centurion friends running too 
I dug deep and in 26 hours I got to the end 
A PB and buckle number 5 brought my drought to an end :) 

Work was busy, bank holidays were needed 
Training hard, a rest my legs pleaded 
Supporting friends and friends helping me 
My Natalie's birthday filled me with glee. 

June was work and lots more training 
A heatwave descended - no more raining 
Record temperatures across the land 
It would last all summer, a struggle to stand 

More miles as we went into July 
The heat made it tough but I still had to try 
I caught up with friends whenever I could 
Remember our loved ones - we really should 

World Cup fever descended upon us 
The country caught up in football fuss 
Footie didn't come home, although England did ok 
The nation's hopes have to wait for another day. 

On a short training run one Tuesday night
I took a dive and a tumble, it gave me a fright 
Bruised and grazed I hobbled back 
Seemed ok with all but my pride intact. 

But later that night the pain began 
With a cracked rib (I think) I still ran 
Long training runs in the hot sun 
But temporarily not much upper body work done 

I ran a lot on the North Downs Way 
As NDW100 was approaching faster each day 
PT, gym and Circuits I kept up too 
Strength helps the running I already knew 

With August came NDW100 for the 3rd time 
Such a tough course but a favourite of mine 
The hottest weather to be endured 
And my sore rib not yet cured (ouch!) 

I knew the course, ran it times before 
But the heat made the challenge more 
I had to dig deeper than ever I had 
To get to the finish I was glad! 

Buckle number 6, my confidence regained 
Enough points for UTMB I had retained 
My third year of trying, I would get a place 
2019's challenge in the Alps I would embrace :) 

My body recovered from the race, it's usually fast 
But a pain in the foot decided to last 
RICE, tape, rest - I tended it well 
Hoping it would mend quickly, no problems to tell 

6 weeks until Snowdon 100 miles 
My next challenge that would be full of trials 
That my foot would heal I did hope 
I tried to be positive and not to mope! 

The heat continued all summer through 
The days long, the skies blue 
Sticky nights, difficult to sleep Long summer memories to keep. 

After a few weeks rest, to run I tried 
But the foot got worse and tears I cried 
I researched treatments, and rested again 
I went to the GP, X-ray to obtain. 

Snowdon not to be, I had to pull out 
The right decision without a doubt 
To get the foot right for the Arc was my aim 
By 2019 I hoped I'd be fit again 

In September to see a Consultant I went 
MRI scans on the foot and for tests I was sent 
Damage to bone in toe joint they did concur 
I was put in an air boot to rest it some more :( 

So more weeks in the gym, very confined 
Restricted, but exercises I did find 
I never missed training, not a single day 
But I so missed the trails in every way! 

The days got shorter, but it was still mild 
I missed the Autumn colours and running in the wild 
But work was busy and I could still train strong 
My arms hoped my legs would be back before long!! 

October, November seemed to go fast 
Busy working, no spare time to last 
Foot slowly improving but still confined to damn boot 
No running for months, my plans to shoot! 

With much regret I pull out of the Arc 
I've had enough of this injury lark! 
So gutted another race not to meet 
But in 2020 my nemesis I'll beat. 

All of a sudden Christmas came round 
So much holiday to take off work I found 
Not able to do much, sick I couldn't run 
Catching up with family and friends was fun :) 

So that's my year, the bits I'm happy to share 
Thank you to everyone who for me has been there 
I truly am blessed with the people I know 
Such wonderful friends, the caring they show. 

Some of friends have had a tough year 
I try to be there for them, for to me they are dear 
All my hopes and wishes I send 
For a better 2019, their troubles to end xx 

All that's left for me to say 
On the 11th hour - almost New Years Day 
I wish you all have a wonderful year 
Health, happiness, love and plenty and of cheer! 

Happy New Year!


Back on track (or tow path)! TP100 2018

Back on track (or tow path)! TP100 2018

Why am I here?

Why did I find myself getting up early on Saturday morning to travel to Richmond?  Why had I entered this race again? I had asked myself this question many times leading up to the race and if I’m honest I had grappled with the decision more than once; there were a number of factors.

Looking back …… those who know me will know that I haven’t been running long, only about 4 years.  I’m not really what I’d call a ‘proper runner’ – I just like being outside for a long time and I like pushing my limits (hence ultras).  I didn’t come up through the ‘traditional marathon route’, I did a couple of trail / natural obstacle events at marathon distance, then went straight to ultra. In 2015 I ran my first 2 ultras (69 and 60 miles) and in 2016 I decided to have a go at 100 miles.  My first 100 was TP100 in 2016; despite the difficulty of the challenge I had the bug and followed this with NDW100 and A100 in 2016 (both of which I entered from waiting list – not originally on my plans).  I guess if I had one regret, it’s that I didn’t do SDW100 that year, as I think I would have been capable and I would have had the Centurion 100 Grand Slam.  I did however do SDW100 last year (2017), so I had done all 4.  I was on an ultra high, then the wheels kind of fell off! Aswell as my 4 buckles, I also had 4 DNFs to my name.  I attempted MudCrew’s Arc of Attrition twice (2017 and most recently this Feb); this is tough 100 with a high attrition rate following the SWCP around the coast of Cornwall; first attempt I timed out and second attempt I got the basics wrong and eventually succumbed to dehydration and hypothermia near to Lands End.  I am going back next February to nail that Nemesis!!!  I also had a DNF on the North Downs last year (fell and busted knee at mile 26 – hobbled on to about 86 but had to call it a day at Detling steps) and I timed out on the Cotswolds Way Century in September.  I’m not the fastest, but I  train really hard, both mileage and strength / cross training, and whilst I fully accept that anything can happen in this mad sport, the run of DNFs had given me a bit of a mental kicking!.  I entered the UTMB ballot for 2017 and 2018 and have been unsuccessful twice (so that’s one for next year – no ballot needed, just need to refresh points 🙂 – so I hadn’t entered races this year (partly due to funds and partly due to waiting to find out whether I had a UTMB place).  I was in a bit of a ‘no man’s land’.

Back to where it started

So back to the now and why TP100 again.  Well I had joined the wait list for Centurion races – still got a niggle about wanting the Grand Slam buckle (it won’t be this year now), and I do love Centurion races. When a place came up, I decided to enter TP100 as it had been my first 100, I knew I could finish it (although I have learnt never take an ultra finish for granted!), and it would give me 5 of 9 UTMB points that I still needed.  It’s not my favourite Centurion course – I much prefer the Downs (NDW being my favourite).  Thames path is flat and difficult for different reasons, it is monotonous, but it is still a great race. So this was all about getting my confidence back, getting the elusive buckle number 5 and enjoying an event with the ‘Centurion family!’

Race Preparation

I never really stop  training.  I average around 75 miles per week and also do other stuff; PT, core, strength, circuits, spin etc. I’ve been having PT for the last 4 years with Cameron Jensen Jensenexercise.com.  Cam really helps his clients to realise their fitness and wellbeing goals, he has been a great support and friend to me, helping me improve strength and all round fitness, supporting my race prep etc.  He’s also a fab sports therapist and helps me with injury prevention / management and muscle recovery.  I had a few niggles leading up to the race.  I suffer with hip and piriformis issues and had also been feeling associated pain in my knee. Cam  helped with these.  My training, as usual, took me up to 100 mile weeks at peak, with my longest run actually being a 40 miler on the Thames Path (20 miles out and back from Richmond).  That aside, most of my training was probably on hillier trails and as with all of the other runners, due to recent weather, pretty much all of my training had been in cooler conditions, very wet and very muddy!! ……. We were certainly not expecting a heatwave on 5 May … the hottest weekend of the year (hottest on record for that time of year)!

Registration and the Off

I got up early to travel to Richmond via train – (one train into Waterloo and a second train to Richmond).  Engineering works caused a lengthy diversion to the first leg of the journey, and probably due to nerves I was getting a bit panicky about being late, but actually had plenty of time.  I always say this, but arriving at an ultra registration is like arriving home (especially Centurion).  Kit checked and registered at Richmond Town Hall, I went out onto the waterfront and mingled with other runners.  I have met so many awesome people in this sport, everyone is so nice, and a lot of them were there.  I passed Dan Benwell (who I knew from SDW and CWC) whilst I was approaching the Town Hall; he was going to buy water and he offered to get me some.  I caught up with others; Dave Brock, Emma Bird and Jane Stephens to name but a few.  I first met Emma and Jane on the A100 in 2016.  Jane is RD to MudCrew, so I’d seen her in Cornwall at the Arc.  A lot of these guys are going for the Grand Slam this year, part of me wishes I was, but I also want to do different stuff too.  I also saw my lovely friend, Tracey Watson and her husband Pete.  Tracey is doing her 3rd consecutive double Grand Slam (so 4 x 50 milers and 4 x 100 miles all in one season). She’s awesome and it’s always good to see her. I received a hug from Stuart March , the photographer, who gets amazing shots of us on the trail and at the end. Stu is such a nice guy and it’s always good to see him.  I reminded him not to take any photographs of m walking 🙂


James Elson (Centurion RD) gave the race briefing, warning us to go easy in the heat, keep hydrated and look after each other. He also reminded us that this is a trail race, it is NOT exactly 100 miles and there are no prizes for presenting a watch with a distance of 103 or anything else. The aim was to complete the course. The hour was 10.00am and we were off.

Walton-on-Thames and Wraysbury (the first 22)

I went off like a rocket (well maybe not a rocket .. but pretty quick by my standards!).  It was already hot, I HATE the heat, and I usually take a while to settle into a race, but despite all this I found myself going at a good pace and settling into the run pretty quickly.  It was hot (I’m going to say that a lot – be warned!), and my hip started hurting very early on, but I was happy with my pace.  My aim was to try to get to Henley (half way point) as quickly as I could and then grind out the second half, but there was the heat to contend with, so I knew that I might have to adjust. The first aid station was Walton-on- Thames at 12 miles and I got there in under 2 hours so was pleased with that.  It was VERY hot.  It was good to see Stu just before the aid station.  I was extremely conscious that I needed to keep hydrated (I don’t always get that right – a factor in my DNFs no doubt), and the heat requires even more hydration.  The volunteers at Walton Aid Station were frantically filling bottles – they were concerned that their TailWind supplies would not last, everyone seemed conscious of the need to hydrate and take on electrolytes.

I quickly had some food and topped up fluids and set off again.  The next aid station was Wraysbury at 22 miles (ish).  The midday heat was already making me feel a bit sick – this was going to be a tough race!  During this section I realised that I would have to adjust my pace, slow down a bit or I was really going to struggle.  I took a couple of short walk breaks and eased the pace a little.  The tow path trail was  tough on the feet and there was a section that takes you on roads, there was no shade and it felt relentless even at this early stage.  I reached Wraysbury, made myself eat and stocked up on fluids.  I had lost some time but was still within 4 hour mark so no panic.  I felt pretty light headed though from the heat and was already hurting.

Hot Slog to Henley

I’m not going to lie – the heat was horrendous!  Tim Lambert, one of the other runners, described it as ‘ungodly’ – that hits the nail on the head for me.  I kept pushing on, always aiming for the next aid station, chipping off the miles. I was trying to keep a good pace, but did do some walking as I was suffering in the heat and my hip was hurting.  I passed Emma, then she passed me – she was moving well, a solid consistent pace and looked very focused.  I ran with various others but was on my own a lot.

We passed many people along the tow path during the day. Some would ask what we were doing, how far we were running.  Probably around the 30 mile mark I passed a woman sitting on a bench, “Did you really start from Richmond?’, she asked in an amazed voice,. “Yes” I said. “And are you really going all the way to Oxford?!!!!”.  “We sure are,” I responded, “100 miles!” “YOU MUST BE MAD”, she bellowed! I couldn’t argue that one.

I was with Jane for a while, we walked for a bit – she was finding the heat a struggle too.  I was consciously drinking a lot and eating what I could, although I probably needed to eat more.  I passed a couple of runners throwing up, they said they were ok but I really felt for them.  It was SO HOT and the heat would take casualties!  The volunteers, as always, were great – filling our bottles, preparing food, dipping our caps and buffs in cold water.  I pushed on and chipped off Dorney, Cookham and Hurley.  I never drink coke normally but in races, I crave the stuff and a cup of flat coke was the nectar motivating me to the next aid station.

I was slower than I had been 2 years ago, and although I knew I was well within cut-offs, my mind was doing overtime trying to work out required splits.  I did have some short spells of walking, to regulate my temperature and ease the hip.  At one point I walked with a guy (with  a really impressive Ultra CV) – he said that he was going to walk until the temperature dropped and make time up during the night.  I felt that I would need to push harder once it cooled down too.  I managed to pick up pace a bit during the early evening, I was hurting but moving ok, it was still pretty warm.

Half way

I eventually made it to Henley – (53 miles by my Garmin) in 11 hours 7 mins (about 45 mins or so slower than I was in 2016).

The half way point does one of 2 things to you mentally. It’s either totally terrifying at the thought of having to start the ‘tougher half of the race’ or it’s a mental boost, as from now own it’s about counting down.  Luckily for me it’s usually the latter.

Henley aid station resembled a field hospital.  Dropped runners sitting wrapped in space blankets, blister surgeries, people putting on warmer clothes.  Despite it being an outdoor (gazebo) station, there was hot food.  I know from experience that, despite not wanting hot food, if I can get it down me, it really helps. So I thankfully accepted a small paper bowl of pasta with tomato sauce.  The volunteer serving kept saying, “I hope it’s ok” – if she happens by chance to read this, I just want to say ‘it really was!’ It hit the spot, perked me up and I had a second helping.  Just what I needed 🙂  I really should have told her that!  I was determined not to sit down.  When I ran this race in 2016, I sat down at Henley and faffed around for far too long, and it was really difficult to get going again.  So this time I stayed standing.  I did have a drop bag, and I did change my top.  There was another runner sitting on a chair by me. He had crew and supporters, they were helping me to – that’s what I love about these races.  Sadly he decided to drop.  It happens and it was probably the right thing for him to do, but I felt for him – a DNF is not nice – I’ve been there.  You don’t participate in this sport and win every time … that’s for sure.  Anything can happen and all of us are forever learning.

Onwards into the night

It was dark now, so head torch on, I headed out from Henley.  The second half is a different race and I knew it was going to be challenging.  I already felt wiped out from the heat and hip and legs were hurting.  I pushed on.  It was about 7.5 miles to Reading but it seemed a long time coming.  I was alternating running and walking, but running as much as I could.

Reading aid station (Wokingham Waterside Centre) was sponsored by ‘Runderwear’.  I climbed the steps into the club house and was met by more amazing volunteers.  Inside a lady said, “Hi Nicola, I remember you”.  It was Tanya from Runderwear.  She had been at an aid station on NDW100 last year and had given me my promotional Runderwear pants (which are pretty good I might add).  How nice that she remembered me.  I was knackered, hurting and lonely.  When you feel like that, a friendly face is so welcoming. Tanya told me I had lost a lot of salt and to take some electrolytes.  The Tailwind wasn’t going down so well now, so I took an S-tab, and with hindsight it helped.  When you go into these indoor aid stations, it is a real mental battle.  You know that you need to get out as quickly as possible, but your body and mind keep finding excuses to stay longer.  But I did’t hang around, I stocked up on water, ate a little food (probably not enough as the dry stuff wasn’t really going down by now) and off I went.   The next section to Whitford was about 9 miles,  I knew from both my previous experience of this race and this stretch in the A100, that this was a particularly grim section! 9 miles felt like 90!

The fall

At around mile 63 (I think), you leave the trail temporarily and go through a housing estate.  Despite having done this before, the fact that it was the middle of the night, I was dehydrated, hurting and tired, I became disorientated at this point, totally missed the curb and went flying.  If you are going to fall over in an ultra, it is probably better to get it over and done with a bit earlier, as by this point the body has pretty much lost its ability to get up again.  Flat out on the pavement in the middle of the night!! I managed to pull myself up, my right knee was bloody and I had hurt my back, but I managed to walk it off for a few minutes and get going again.

Keep pushing onwards

I was pushing on as fast as I could, paranoid about timings.  I charged my watch on the go a couple of times.

That 9 mile stretch seemed to last forever, but I made it to Whitchurch.  There I was greeted by Lynn Cunningham, another runner I know, who was volunteering.  She told me which runners had gone through and seeing her gave me a massive boost.  I ate a little food and was on my way again.

I ran alone for most of the night (well for most of the race really),  I did yoyo a number of other runners, and chatted at times, but this was a pretty lonesome one.  I have never had crew or pacers in a race.  I seem to do ok on my own (and with the other runners), but it is tough out there on your own.  All of my training runs are on my own.  Don’t get me wrong, I love the solitude and it I believe it is good for the soul, but it can be a very lonely sport sometimes.

During the second  half there is a lot of field trail alongside the water.  The temperature dropped, but not nearly as much as 2 years ago when I’d run this race.  In 2016 it had got really cold, this time I didn’t even put my jacket on. I was consciously trying to keep drinking and wasn’t trying to work out splits and timings in my head (although by this stage mental arithmatic is a challenge!

I made it to Streatley, where I managed to eat some beans.  I really wasn’t eating much else by now, just a little fruit.  I couldn’t really swallow the dry food.

The Sunrise

There were only about 9 hour of darkness, despite it seeming like longer.  Both of my head torches were about as useful as a chocolate teapot (batteries just didn’t last long at all) – note to self … an upgrade is needed!

The temperature did drop somewhat and in the end my hands got quite cold. I had to ask a volunteer to help me put my gloves on, as I could’t do it myself.  Volunteers are a godsend, they really are :)I was in a lot of pain and just wanted to get it finished.  I kept chipping off the miles, always aiming for the next aid station.

A mist crept in across the water during the early hours. When the sun rose it was beautiful.  Here are a number of photos taken by other runners.   I take credit for none of these, I didn’t take any photos on the course.

People often ask why we do this ….. here’s one reason ……….


The final 30

The final 30 miles felt like 300!  I was still in good spirits, but I hurt ALOT and when the sun came up, it soon got hot again.  I really didn’t want to face another morning of running/ walking in 26 degrees, but the weather will be what the weather will be! I was constantly trying to do the maths on times and splits … brain was a bit mashed!  I wasn’t too concerned about missing cut offs but wanted to get it done.  I was trying to keep 13 – 14 minute miles – believe me, that is difficult at that stage, a lot were slower.  When I couldn’t run I was marching as fast as I could.  Field after field, never ending trail!

Through Wallingford and Clifton Hampden aid stations.  I was just topping up water, not eating by this stage.  I did manage some fruit but that’s about it.

Abingdon to the finish

Abingdon (officially 91 miles but about 93 by my watch) seemed a long time coming.

As I  approached the Aid station, I saw Phil Bradburn.  I had seen him earlier in the race too.  He had been crewing for a friend, who had unfortunately dropped earlier due to dehydration and was in hospital (I hope he has recovered ok).  It was good to see Phil, another friendly face.  Then volunteering at Abingdon aid station was Alf Menzies.  I first met Alf in 2015 at the Wall, my first ultra.  His greeting words to me were, “The one person I wanted to see come through,” and he gave me a hug. When you are hot, hurting, tired and dehydrated, I can’t describe how good it is for someone to say something like that!  I had a quick chat with Alf – he told me just 9 miles to go,  4 Lower Radley and 5 to the finish.  Another lift from a friendly face.

The last 9 miles, in particular the last 5 seemed so long.  There were morning runners on the trail, moving so fast compared to my shuffle / march.  I passed other runners who were really struggling, I just hoped they would make it.

The last stretch seemed to go on and on and on (I remembered this from last time), but finally I approached Queen’s College Recreation Ground, Oxford.  As I turned the corner to run to the finish, I was crying (but nobody noticed).  It may not be the race a nemesis race, but the DNF curse was lifted and I was going to get my mitts on the elusive Buckle number 5.  I managed a sprint (well sort of) finish!  I crossed the line in 26 hours 3 mins, although I didn’t know my time until later, as I forgot to stop my watch – DOH! I made the distance about 103.6 miles. Despite the challenging heat, I finished 45 minutes quicker than in 2016, with a 100 mile PB.  I was presented with my buckle and tea shirt and receive a big hug from Stu, before he took my finish photos.


Dave Brock was at the finish line – he’d done an amazing sub 24.  It was Dave who picked me up from Detling on the North Downs Way last year, when I had soldiered on after falling on my knee.  He noticed the same knee was bloodied and said. “Can you not run a race without falling on that knee?!”

I was then looked after by Richard Stallion, who was volunteering at Oxford.  I had him at it a bit – fetching drinks, food, bags, chairs… all sorts! I was in agony and felt sick and shivery, but I had finished.  Jane finished shortly after, she did brilliantly too.  Emma had stormed in at 22:25 – incredible, and Laura Swanton had earned 2nd lady prize at 19:26. Many dropped along the way, the DNF rate ending up at 42%.

As for me, well I turned 50 a month ago, so have gone up into a new age group.  I was second in my category (women 50-59).  I’m not too bothered really – a finish is a finish but hey if you filter enough on the results, you can usually find a good statistic! 😉


Buckle number 5!

Journey Home and Recovery

After recovering for a while at the College sports ground, I shared a taxi to Oxford station.  The journey to London was a real challenge, I could hardly walk and felt awful. Due to train disruptions, I had to change trains before we’d even moved anywhere.  The journey across London was even tougher.

I could have done with one of these! 32077348_10215591690360410_5745055410268667904_n

Luckily for me, a friend from the gym saw me hobbling home from the station and gave me a lift.

Recovery has been ok, it’s probably taken a day or so longer than usual but I am running again, and the legs have pretty much forgiven me now.  A massage from Cam helped.  I have been hit hard by the ‘post race blues’ .. so need something to pull me out and motivate the training!

What Next?

So the curse is broken!  That’s me done with flat for a while … I want to get back to the lumpy stuff.  I need 4 more points for UTMB next year, so that’s find of a priority.  Maybe another Centurion race from wait list?  Maybe something else?  I’m also looking at some others, Snowdonia and The Lakes, or maybe the South West.  Need to look at finances and work it out.  I’m heading back to Cornwall in February to conquer the Arc, but hope to a couple more in before then.

Last Words

One of the other runners posted this on the Centurion Running Community page, “In case folks were wondering just how hot it got, the Garmin Temp sensor on the back of my pack registered a peak of 39c/102f!!!!!! This is what we endured in the direct sun”

Thank you to James, Nici and all at Centurion. Thank you to everyone who supported me or gave my spirits a lift during the race.  If I have not mentioned you, I apologise but it was good to see you.  If I have mis-quoted where I saw you, again I apologise … ultra brain fog!!

I’m back on the trails and am back looking up races! Want some cooler, lumpier challenges!

The Arc of Attrition – my Nemesis

The Arc of Attrition – my Nemesis


noun 1. the process of reducing something’s strength or effectiveness through sustained attack or pressure

Those who know me well will know that I have 2 passions – writing and endurance running (the first being a lifelong passion and the latter being much more recent).  I don’t profess to being particularly good at either, but they make me happy, so combining the two is about as close to heaven as I get.  This is likely to be a bit more than just a race report, please bear with me if I digress 🙂

Not the blog I wanted to be writing!

I think it’s fair to say that I’m making hard work of this one!  This was my second attempt at conquering the Arc of Attrition.  I had high hopes for returning with my buckle this year, even though it had been a tough year for me in terms of races.  Having experienced continuous successes in 2015 and 2016 (after taking up ultras), I only finished one 100 miler in 2017, and having trained extremely hard (and smarter), I was hoping to be sharing a finish line photographs in this blog.  I will be 50 in April was determined to make 2018 my year.  On paper and in my head those cut-offs seem so doable …….. then you get out there!!!

First attempt – 2017!

I was at the start line for AoA in 2017 on the back of a successful run of completing 3 x 100 milers in less than 6 months, feeling strong and loving the world of ultras.  But my race really didn’t go according to plan.  The weather conditions were good (for February on the SWCP), the race was well organised, I had trained hard.  But the terrain was new to me, I found it difficult to get any sort of momentum and was just too slow (no excuses!).  I was chasing cut-offs from the start and got lost a couple of times.  I made it to Penzance a couple of minutes after the cut-off, so my race was over.  I was pretty gutted to say the least, that was my first DNF after a whirlwind success since my first ultra, and was a bitter pill to swallow!  But I had really enjoyed the race experience (as tough as it was), I’d dipped my toe into this challenge and wanted more.  So I licked my wounds, revisited training techniques and vowed to return in 2018.  I knew what I needed to do … get the first half completed as quickly as I possibly could and bag some time to grind out the latter ‘tougher’ sections of the race. This year I was determined to return to Kent with that AoA buckle!

Something always happens on route to Cornwall!

Back to 2018.  Ok, so I may be a little bit scatty and accident prone, but I am usually pretty good at taking care of myself and my belongings …….. except it would seem when travelling to Cornwall!

I trained hard for AoA, well I always train hard throughout the year.  My average mileage is 75 miles per week, going up to 100 in peak race training. In 2017 I totalled 2008 miles. I do a lot of other training too; PT, core, strength, circuits, spin etc.  I had also increased hill reps and elevation training, plus speed over technical trails, so as I boarded the train from London Paddington to Redruth, I was feeling ready.  I settled on the train, after dragging my luggage and kit bags across London, with coffee and food to see me through the 4.5 hour journey.  I was messing around with my phone, when I needed the toilet.  Not wanting to leave my phone on the table, I popped it into the back pocket of my jeans (something I never normally do) and walked down the train. SCHOOL GIRL error number 1!  Lesson of the day: ‘If you are going to use the toilet on a train, DO NOT put your phone in your back pocket!’ Needless to say, the iPhone took a dive and then encountered a slow death, despite spending most of the journey in intensive care, with me frantically trying to revive it!!  Last year, my bank card decided to stop working on the way to Cornwall, so I struggled to get to money / pay for essentials, and this year it was my iPhone.  The panic this instilled in me was a harsh reminder of how reliant we are on our mobile devices and everything they give us access to.

So I had no working phone.  Upon arrival at Redruth, after trying a local phone shop (where they tried some stunt, offering to buy out my existing contract –  NO THANK YOU, it sounded too good to be true, so obviously was!), I found a Tesco superstore and bought a cheap PAYG phone to tide me over for the weekend.

I finally got to Porthtowan, where I was staying in a ’boutique chalet’ that I had found through Air B&B, crawling distance from Blue Bar, which was Race HQ and where we would finish the race.


As I walked into the Blue Bar ‘Board Room’ on the Thursday evening for registration, I was greeted with a big hug from the lovely Jane Stephens, who is one third of MudCrew’s fab trio of Race Directors.  I first met Jane whilst running the Centurion A100 in October 2016, we ran most of a section together with a couple of other ladies too; friendships are formed on those trails!  Kit check was with Dave Brock, who I’d last seen when he picked me up at mile 85 on the NDW (I finished it the first time but not the second), after I had soldiered on for 60 miles following an epic fall and nasty cuts and bruising to my leg an knee.   The next hug was from Ferg, another MudCrew RD and he made me feel very welcome.  I was looking forward to this race!  It was great to see Jane, Ferg and Dave, and I passed kit check so was presented with my Race Number 64.

The rest of the evening was spent eating and relaxing, and of course repacking my race pack several times!

On Friday morning, race day, the Blue Bar was buzzing.  There is something about a ultra registration – it feels like going home.  There are no strangers in the ultra community, just friends who we haven’t met yet, and over time you get to meet a lot of them.  I saw some familiar faces, some who were running the race and some who were support crew for other runners. Phil and Susie Bradburn were there crewing for their friend Lee, and they offered support should I need it.  I had already told Phil to ‘kick my butt’ should he see me out on the course.  I bumped into Peter Colwill, and he introduced me to Iain and Craig, who were crewing for him.  They also offered to help at any time should I need. I had no crew; I have always run ultras without support, but I have never felt ‘unsupported’, as the other runners and volunteers have always been fantastic.  That said, you do need to carry a bit more stuff when you are out there on your own!

Race briefing from Ferg was interesting; lots about detours, dangers of disused tin mines, how to get help etc. and a forecast of  ‘crap’ weather for Saturday. Then came the briefing from Dave the medic, who reminded us of all the great things his team would do for us …. but they don’t do sympathy! 🙂

After coffee and breakfast number 2 at the Blue Bar, and a coach ride to the start at Coverack (spent chatting to other runners – I was jittery and probably talking too much!), we were ready to start.

Coverack to Porthleven

A poignant minute’s silence in tribute to Matt (who had been planning to beat the Arc on his third attempt this year, but was tragically taken in a cycling accident), and we were off. The first Checkpoint was Porthleven (approx 27 miles, including detours caused by coastal erosion).

It was a clear day and although quite windy, the sun was shining.  I always struggle with my head a little in the first few miles, it takes me a while to settle into the task ahead, but I started relatively strong and was running well mid pack.  My pace felt ok, and although I felt way too hot (jacket was removed in first 1/2 mile), I was ok.

Then came ….. THE MUD!!! There were some long sections of ‘swamp like’ running.  I trained a lot in mud, so have learnt to attack it (am much less cautious now), but this was Cornish mud, the result of constant rain since October!  Ferg had said to me at registration, “Our mud is special” and he wasn’t wrong!. I slipped over a couple of times early on but the landing was soft (big bum + thick mud = double protection 🙂

The timings that I had set in my head prior to the race were soon exceeded, but I was with the pack, was in good company and was moving ahead.  Running with others, I often found myself with Tim Lambert.  We both knew of each other but not sure we had ever met, and it was good to share some miles with him.  I ran with some of the other ladies in the race (there weren’t many of us), but the girls I met were lovely and we pushed each other on.  A few of them were local, so were used to training on this terrain. I had intended to get down to Cornwall for some training, but hadn’t managed it (mainly due to cost).  I had done some training on Kent and Sussex coastal paths and plenty of tough muddy trail, but nothing is quite as rugged as the Cornish coastline – this part of the SWCP is pretty brutal.  I suffer with tightness in the piriformis and hip, this kicked in during the first few miles – I’m not making any excuses but I was feeling it. The mud was boggy and hard going, conditions under foot were way tougher than last year.  There were rocky sections and water crossings, but we kept pushing forwards.  Wherever there was a ‘flattish runable’ section, I would up the gear and try to claw back some time.  It was on one of these sections that I saw Lee Scott. I first met Lee at NDW100 last year, he’s a great guy, he’d suffered injury and illness leading up to the Arc impacting on his training, but he was there and he was running well.  I overtook him, but we yo-yoed each other to Penzance and I saw him several times.  Many of the trails were narrow, and it seemed that just as you got some momentum going another boggy section or rocky climb would appear.  I tried using my poles early on but they were slowing me down, so I put them away,  planning on using them later in the race (particularly through the ‘dunes of doom’).

Me, Lee and Tim forming a human train!  The ‘wrong type of mud’ on the track caused delays and disruption! 🙂

There were various points at which supported runners could meet with their crew.  I saw  Phil and Susie, who switched my rear light on for me. I also had encouragement from Peter’s crew.  MudCrew had mobile crews at various points giving out coke and water top ups.  I met the couple who had given me a lift back to Race HQ when I dropped out last year.  It was tough going, but the scenery was breathtaking, the company was good and I was enjoying it.

There were a number of divisions due to coastal erosion. The longest of these was at Porthleven, an extra half hour had been added to the cut-off times for this one.  I was running with the Cornish girls, the diversion took us through fields with knee high, churned up mud.  It was harsh underfoot and seemed never ending and I slowed down quite a lot, but after what seemed like forever I arrived at Porthleven Village Hall Checkpoint (my garmin made it 28 miles).  MudCrew had ‘valets’ to meet and greet the runners and take them to the aid station, where they would served by ‘Arc Angels’.  This seemed to work well and definitely helped to ‘process’ us through the checkpoints quicker in my opinion.  The food was fab, I scoffed some hot food and took a goodie bag of fruit.  I was conscious that I hadn’t eaten much before then.  I was in and out of Porthleven Checkpoint pretty quickly, I was already behind the time that I had wanted to be but was still an hour ahead of cut off and feeling good enough.

Porthleven to Penzance

This section was about 14 miles, the shortest one so I hoped to get through it fairly quickly and grab back some time.  I was still running with others but it was dark now.  My head torches (although reasonably good ones) seemed to be about as useful as a chocolate teapot!  The batteries just weren’t lasting long at all.  Note to self: invest in a better head torch.  I was yo-yoing Tim and there was another guy I ran with quite a lot but I forget his name.  We were running into the wind, it was very boggy and difficult to get momentum.  There were still a lot of others with me.  I was concentrating on the trail and not on nutrition and hydration.  A few times I thought to myself, I must dig out some food at the next ‘easy section’ but never really did. SCHOOL GIRL EROOR No. 2.  

I pushed forward but fell over a few times.  Everyone I ran / walked / climbed / trudged with was great – amazing people and I was enjoying the company.  But it was tough going I can’t deny it and it was taking its toll.  I was becoming increasingly worried about time.  You can’t be chasing cut-offs in this race, you need it in the bag for later.  But I kept moving forward.

Grinding the muddy miles

There was a stretch, which I remembered well from last year, where we went across large rocks and stones at the back of the beach.  It is difficult to move quickly across these but I was doing ok.  However, wet rocks don’t mix well with muddy wet trail shoes and I slipped, landing hard on my back.  That hurt, I said it didn’t but it did.  My second head torch was failing  (batteries again!).  There was a particularly muddy stretch where I fell over several times right into the mud, bracken and heather.  My fellow runners helped me up.  I wasn’t cold, was still wearing just a long sleeved top, but my hands were feeling it.  Through falling in the mud and using my hands on the climbs I was already on my second pair of gloves by this stage.  As my hands felt colder, I got waterproof mittens out.  The section seemed long and tough and I had rolled in a lot of mud but I was moving ok.

There is a road stretch of probably about 3 or 4 miles leading into Penzance.  My aim was to pick up speed and motor through this part.  I found myself running alone, my hip was hurting and I was starting to tire, so didn’t move quite as quickly as I would have liked.  But I eventually arrived at Penzance Sailing Club, Checkpoint 2.

Approaching Penzance – covered in mud

The wheels fell off!

As soon as I got into Penzance aid station I used the loo.  I remember thinking, ‘wow that pee is dark, I need to drink more!’. I went into the main hall and was helped by angels, who brought me coke.  I was routing through my pack trying to find my spare batteries (the brain could not remember where I had put them) when I suddenly felt extremely sick and light headed. I leant over holding myself up on the seating.  The medic was straight over and asked me how I was. “I’m ok” I said, “I feel sick but I will be ok in a moment”.  He asked me how much I’d drunk and I told him not enough.  He got me to sit down and told me that he wanted me to drink at least a litre of water.  I was dehydrated, in need of fluids and food.  The medic was Mark, he said that we could turn it around in half an hour and that I had time.  I didn’t feel that I did have time, it would be too tight, I’d be up to the cut off but I felt awful and I knew that he was right.  Mark got me an Arc Angel, I now feel terrible as she was so good to me but I can’t remember her name.  She fed me water via sips, keeping tabs on how much I had drunk.  She also tried every food item that they had trying to tempt my appetite.  Mark put a blanket around me, I told him that I was hot, not cold.  “You may think that you are hot, but you are cold”, he said.  A few minutes later I was shivering, shaking uncontrollably, so clearly he was right.  Mark put his down jacket around me to keep me warm.  I said “I stink!”.  He said. “Don’t worry, I stink too”.  Mark and the other medics kept an eye on me and the Angels fed and watered me.  Lee and Dawn were sitting opposite.  I remembered Dawn from Cotswolds Century, she’s a good ultra runner. Both Lee and Dawn had suffered with injuries and illness leading up to the race, and I was so impressed with how well they were doing.  Dawn was in tears but pulled herself together and they headed back out.  Lee asked me if I was ready to go with them but I needed a little longer.  I know I keep saying it but ultra runners are amazing people.

After about 35 minutes I was feeling a bit better and Mark said that my condition had improved considerably, so if I wanted to continue it was my decision.  I decided to push on but it was an effort to get back out there.  The fantastic volunteers pushed me out on my way.  It was about 3 or 4 miles via road to Mousehole, so I would see how I went.

Attempt to reach Lands End

As a rule I never sit down during a race. Where I stopped and had sat for about 40 mins my legs had seized up and it was difficult to get moving again.  I jogged on alone.  I was layered up now, but I didn’t feel good.  I reached Mousehole, and it brought back memories.  I love Cornwall, having holidayed there a lot as and child, and then taking my daughter Natalie there on family holidays when she was growing up.  I always remember Mousehole as it is spelt ‘Mouse hole’, that’s what I thought it was called when I was young and I aways say it that way in my head.  At Mousehole I threw up, so the fluids and food that I had taken in at Penzance were lost.  I did a circuit of Househole, initially missing the sign,  Onwards I went back onto the coastal path,  It was a rocky section, quite a lot of climbing and scrambling.  My balance had gone and I was feeling a bit weak.  I knew I was against it with time and my spirits dropped a bit.  Then came the rain, but I kept on moving, climbing and moving forward. I was moving far too slowly.  Sometime later I saw 3 people in luminous vests coming up behind me.  The pacers, Becky, Dave and Stu caught me up.  They accompanied me making sure I was ok, my pace was slow.  I knew that I needed to move faster but I was still feeling sick and light headed. There was a lot of climb.

I pushed on but eventually faced the fact that to reach Lands End before cut off I would need to increase the pace considerably.  My legs were feeling it and I felt pretty awful. I am not a quitter but knowing I was more than likely to miss the cut off, the adrenaline went and motivation was difficult to find.  My natural balance had gone.  Had I been in better time, I think I could have dug deeper and found the ability to carry on, but knowing I would time out it just wasn’t there.  I felt sick and defeated but I told the pacers that I wanted to drop out at the next available point.  My AoA was oner 😦 It seemed like forever for us to get to the next point of civilisation, Penberth.  Stu ran ahead to try to get a mobile signal to call for someone to pick me up, but he didn’t have much luck.

My Garmin clocked up just under 56 miles (the diversions had added on a bit).  People have said to me that is great, not many people could travel 56 miles by foot, let alone in that terrain in winter.  But I didn’t go there to do 56 miles, I went there to run 100 and complete the race.  So I still have unfinished business  with the Arc!

The Rescue and recovery

We eventually came to Penberth and the guys helped me into my additional layers an survival bag, where I stayed huddled on a bench in the rain.  It was about 6am I think.  Becky ran up to road to phone for someone to pick me up, but the fact that my tracker had stopped would alert help to be sent anyway.  I’m not sure how long I was there, as I have lost some time on the Saturday, but I think it was an hour or two (possibly longer), I’m really not sure.

It was Ferg and a medic who eventually came to me.  The medic got me into the car and drove me to St. Ives, with the heat full blast in the car.  At St Ives I was taken into the checkpoint (The Guildhall) and handed over again to Mark the medic.  He got me to lay down on a massage table and covered me with a blanket and I think a dust sheet.  Mark started to take my shoes off saying that I wouldn’t get warm with wet feet.  I said that my feet stunk.  Mark pulled off my shoes and socks saying, “Yes, they’re singing!”.  The Angels brought me water and I drifted in and out of sleep for a while.  Then I managed to sit up, eat some food and drink water and coffee.  I had some cheese on toast and that really seemed to help.  I felt much better.  I eventually moved to a chair and suddenly feeling hungry, I began hoovering up all the buffet food (conscious that I should leave a bit for the runners still in the race). Fern came over and gave me a hug, “You know what this means don’t you”, I said.  “See you next year,” replied Ferg.  I told him I’d messed up with the basics – hydration and nutrition, he told me that it happens to the best.  I saw some runners coming in and heading back out again.  They were soaking wet (the rain did not stop) but they were doing fantastic.  A lovely lady called Ang drove me back to Porthtowan.  My clean dry shoes were in my end bag, so I had to go barefoot.

At Porthtowan I received a huge hug from Jane.  My daughter Natalie had been worried and had messaged MudCrew, and Jane had ensured her that I was safe and ok.  Natalie had told Jane to give me a hug and Jane even messaged her back to confirm ‘hug delivered’.  The two leading men had finished in under 24 hours and I saw them recovering – phenomenal achievement!  I put my dry shoes on an hung around The Blue Bar, before wandering back to my chalet.  It was all very surreal.  I showered and rested for a while, before going back to the Blue Bar for some food and to watch some of the runners finish.  I saw MaryAnn, the leading lady finish and a few others.  I was gutted for my story but in awe of theirs.  I saw the buckles, which are awesome, but took consolation in my collapsible cup 🙂

The Arc had beaten me again; the scenery was stunning, the event was awesome, the people were inspirational, but I didn’t get the basics right and I just wasn’t quick enough so it wasn’t to be this time!


What can I say about MudCrew?  They don’t do easy .. that’s for sure! A group of awesome runners who put on excellent events, staged in beautiful Cornwall! You get three Race Directors at a MudCrew event, so you can rest assured that everything is well covered and you will be well looked after.  I met Jane whilst running the Centurion A100 in 2016, that’s where I first heard about MudCrew and the Arc.  A few years ago, Jane changed her career to join the MudCrew team.  It is abundantly clear that she, Ferg and Andy are all  passionate about what they do, and I have so much admiration for anyone who makes a living out of something they are passionate about.  Every single volunteer, Angel, Valet, crew member, marshall, medic and runner was awesome. Thank you MudCrew!

By my maths, the DNF rate was 64%.  A lot of the guys I knew didn’t finish.  Some friends this week have asked me if I really think the race should be this difficult.  My answer to that is ‘yes’, without a doubt.  The AoA had a lengthy waiting list, it may be a brutal event on tough terrain in winter, but if it was easier, would we want to enter it? …. Probably not!

So what next?

I found my passion for exercise endurance running late in life.  I train hard and I set myself tough challenges.  This year I am 50 and it was so meant to be a spectacular year for ultras – and maybe it will be still.  I was on a roll with 100 milers, but have had a few DNFs now, which does crush the confidence somewhat.  But this is an extreme sport and you never know what is going to happen.

One of my bucket list races is UTMB, I qualified and applied through the ballot both last year and this year, but was unsuccessful.  That means that, provided I have the points I can enter in 2019 without needing the ballot.  So I’ve got some UTMB points to top up.

I need to finish a race again, I want to run 100 miles again.  I am restricted financially so have to chose wisely.  That’s why I do so many long training runs and not so many races. Centurion races are an option, I’ve always wanted to do the Grand Slam (I’ve done 3 in the same year but not 4), however I have done all of those races, so do I really want to spend all my money on repeating races I’ve already run.  I would be reliant on waiting list places this year too. There are lots of other options, I prefer the lumpy stuff to canal paths right now, so I’m having a look.  Need to enter something soon.

One thing is for sure … on 1 March, when entries open, I will be entering the AoA.  It has a new race HQ location next year and there are other plans afoot.  This is a brutal race but it is not going to beat me.  I did think, “Am I really good enough for all this?” but I shouldn’t beat myself up.  This is an extreme sport, anything can happen and I only started running 4 years ago, it can’t go right all of the time!  I have met so many amazing people, the ultra running community is awesome!  Exercise and trail running clears my head, gets me through the hard times and lows in life and keeps me smiling. I want more of these adventures.

I have some work to do.  I still need to get quicker over technical terrain, so will work on my speed.  More leg strength and I need to get better with fluids and electrolytes.  I train with a brilliant PT, Cameron (Jensenexercise.com).  Cam has been on this journey with me, he helps me with all aspects of fitness, including reaching my endurance running goals.  I will keep training hard and will take the lessons from this latest setback.

Cornwall … I will be back next year to make it the ‘Arc of Completion”, and in 2019 I will return with that coveted buckle.  In the meantime I will focus on some races for this year and I will enjoy my training.

Thanks everyone for your support 🙂

NDW100 – a different story this time

NDW100 – a different story this time

Not the blog I’d planned

So this is the blog that I don’t want to write!  But then the one thing that I actually find equally as therapeutic and soul cleansing as running through trails for hours on end, is writing, so maybe  I should.  I do not profess to being good at either but running ultras and writing are 2 things I love, so why not write about running ultras!  The reason I didn’t want to write this one was because it didn’t quite go to plan.  But hey let’s just write it and see how I feel at the end.  As always, I apologise in advance for the frequent digressions and the fact that I will probably warble on for far too long.

The start and beyond

I’ve said it before, and no doubt I’ll say it again … arriving at a Centurion Registration is like coming home for me.  So many friendly faces, an air of excitement, people milling around contemplating the adventure ahead.  I arrived at the school in Farnham early, having stayed the night before in what must have been one of the largest Premier Inn rooms ever allocated to a single person (not bad for a last minute deal 🙂

I was on a mission for my 5th Centurion 100 mile buckle.  My first 100 miler was TP100 last year (2016).  On a high from that I ran NDW100 (from a waiting list place) and ended up running A100 too (again from the waiting list).  As is well versed in my linked blogs for those races, I was a bit gutted that I didn’t do SDW100 last year (as if I had, then I would have had my grubby mitts on one of those awesome Grand Slam buckles!). But 3 100s in a year was pretty good going, especially as I had only been running for less than 3 years. So this year I did run SDW100 and 8 weeks later found myself at the start of NDW100 for the second year running.  Why do NDW again?  Despite it being IMHO the toughest of the four 100 milers, it is my favourite Centurion race and I couldn’t wait to undertake the challenge again.  Last year, it was hot and I found the race challenging, but pushed on and got myself to the end, meeting some amazing people along the way.  I had no doubt that I would do it again.

I train a lot, probably covering more training miles than most, but perhaps less races.  I don’t run marathons, but I do run 30+ miles pretty much every Sunday.  I love it, getting out into the country and running the trails and woodlands, watching the changing nature, and running off the week.  I average about 75 miles per week (that increases leading up to a race but obviously decreases during taper and recovery).  I also do a lot of  strength, core, cardio and other training.  I have a brilliant Personal Trainer, Cam (jensenexercise.com), who has been on this  journey with me and ensures I get a well rounded mix of  training (and makes me taper!).  He’s also an excellent sports therapist and a great friend, so I am lucky.

I’m not saying that my high mileage and all is the right way to train, I’m not saying that I am particularly good or fast, I’m just saying that I enjoy it and it seems to work for me.  Anyway, I digress (told you I would!). Back to registration…

Kit check done, all registered and bags dropped.  I had a brief chat with Alf Menzies at bag drop, a guy I’d met at my first Ultra (The Wall) 2 years earlier.  He was volunteering (as opposed to running) due to a nasty injury that he picked up at SDW100.  It was good to see him though.   I was greeted with a big hug from the ever smiling Stuart March, the superb photographer who manages to capture out adventures so well, and can even make me look like a runner.  Mel Varvel was outside with her  Totally Wonderfuel  partner and their shiny silver retro catering trailer, serving the most amazing porridge, smoothies, coffee, energy boosting brekkies you could  imagine.  They had some great balls too!! 🙂  After some deliberation I opted for coffee and what was probably the best banana smoothie ever to have been blitzed.  I was not disappointed (I literally snorted it down – it was that good), this is the fuel of champions, highly recommended, and the retro set up is awesome.

Race briefing from James, with a reminder that this one is a little over 100 miles (probably more like 103), his usual words of wisdom and caution, then we made our way  down to the start.

The first 25 to Box Hill

At 6am on the dot we were off. I always usually find it difficult to get going.  I am much happier once I’ve chipped off a couple of aid stations, but that said I started well and felt strong and comfortable pretty much straight away.  Although a daunting challenge, this was after all my favourite race, conditions were cooler than last year and the ground was softer, so it was about as good as it gets.  I ran on my own, chatting to other runners at times, and generally felt pretty excited.

The first aid station was Puttenham at about the 7 mile mark.  I was glad to get there as it always good to get the first one down, the mood was good and the ever wonderful volunteers filled my bottles whilst I munched on a peanut butter wrap and a jam sarnie.  Off I set again, still going strong.  I chatted to some great people, there were some awesome ladies out there, I had a nice chat with Laura about shoes (following her FB post I’d commented on).

Newlands Corner was a welcome sight, I guzzled some coke (never normally drink the stuff but crave it in races) and I was eating well. Cheery atmosphere at the aid station, welcome refreshments and food. I did make a bit of a boo boo, filled a bottle myself from a jug with what I thought was water, but was actually Tailwind.  I didn’t really need Tailwind this early in the race.  For me I find it a bit heavy on the stomach and prefer to just have a little bit, heavily diluted later on, if at all. So I was carrying a bit less water than I would have liked.

Stu appeared from trails and bushes to take pictures and it was great to see his smiling face. If you’re looking for a photographer check him out stuartmarchphtography.co.uk

There were quite a few woodland sections with an abundance of tree roots. Conscious that I’d taken a tumble over a root last year (at about mile 20) and winded myself, I exercised some caution, but was still running confidently.  I ran for a while with a nice fella, can’t remember his name, we did take one slight wrong turn but we were soon back on track, he had the GPX file in his watch – think I might try that next time.

The first 25ish miles of this race are a great run through beautiful picturesque scenery with some stunning views, including an amazing vinyard.  I remembered from last year that things got a bit tougher at the dreading Box Hill steps, so I settled down and enjoyed the first sections.  The atmosphere was good, although it was a bit hot (nowhere near as hot as last year mind you!).   It was about 10 miles from Newlines Corner to Box Hill aid station, seemed  a while coming but I was feeling good.   I made it to Box Hill (25 miles by my garmin) at about 10;45am, was happy with that time.  But I knew well from last year that the first 25 miles of this race lulls you into a false sense of security … now for the fun part!


Box Hill to Reigate Hill – a tumbling time!

At Box Hill aid station, feeling good, I stocked up on water and ate some food.  Didn’t stop for long, best to push on, 8 miles to the next aid station.  Over the famous stepping stones and then came the steps!  A tough section this, with a long steep climb to the top of Box Hill via a multitude of steep woodland steps, so that got quads going!  There would be more of those to come later on.

Having slowed down during the ‘steps’ section, I picked up a bit of pace wherever I could and enjoyed the stunning views.  I wanted to get some momentum again, but it was hilly and the ground quite slippery.  I had been happy for rain during the week leading up to the race, as I like to run on softer ground, but it was it was rather slidey in places so maybe that wasn’t so good after all.

I was at about 26  / 27 miles and had been climbing, so was pleased to see a gently declining section of trail ahead – looked like I could get some momentum again, so I stepped up the pace.  This ‘nice’ looking section was actually pretty muddy and I must have slipped (or possibly tripped), as the next thing I knew I was mid air, then skidding on my front through the ‘rocky mud’. I came to a halt as my face hit the trail.  I had pulled my calf a little as I fell and I lay there for a moment (not so much in pain, more shaken up).  A guy and a girl,who I think were running together, stopped and helped me up.  I was covered in mud, my legs were scraped and bleeding (particularly the right one), and I had a few other scrapes etc.  My right knee had taken the brunt of it.  I also had a graze on my cheek bone under the eye (looking at the trail, I think I’d hit my face on a bit of brick or something – should have put my hands out – hey). The couple who helped were very kind, cleaned me up the best they could and covered my knee with gauze held on by plasters (which unfortunately didn’t stay on).  It took me a minute or two to get over it, but I felt ok to carry on.  I did walk for a while,  I was a bit shaken and it slowed me down a bit but I soon got going again and was running ok despite a very sore leg.

Reigate Hill – patch up

When I got to Reigate Hill aid station, the volunteers said that I had arrived much sooner than they expected, as the guys who helped me when I fell had warned I was coming and might be struggling.

At Reigate I met Lindley and Maxine. Lindley is a runner and Race RD for Challenge Running. He’s also a coach and was supporting one the guys he coaches.  Lindley and Maxine just happened to be at the aid station when I arrived (muddy, bloody and bruised) and Lindley just happened to have an awesome first aid kit in his (I’m talking paramedic standard 🙂 – and kindly offered to clean and patch me up. So my cuts and scrapes were cleaned (and sprayed with iodine) and Maxine did a fab job of bandaging my leg.  There was plenty of bruising to come out but I had a race to get on with first, so after  scoffing some food and filling up water, I was off again.

Running with Tracey, tree roots and rain storms

Just as I was about to leave Reigate Hill aid station (as I was stuffing my face with water melon) the lovely Tracey Watson appeared next to me.  Tracey is an awesome ultra runner and a super lady.  She is going for the double Centurion Grand Slam (so 4 x 100 milers and 5 x 50 milers for the second consecutive year!!).  She’s very modest with it and always great to talk to.  Tracey and I are of similar pace so we set off together.  It was good to be running with someone.  One of the first things Tracey said to me was,”this is a **** of a course isn’t it!”.  I had to agree with her but we both laughed and talked about how much we love it all the same 🙂

Then came the rain! Now I love running in the rain and we welcomed it at first as it was refreshing and it cooled us down.  But as it turned heavier (more biblical) Tracey and I decided that waterproof jackets were  in order to prevent us getting too wet and then cold later on.  Putting on a jacket is a faff.  It involves stopping to take of race pace, putting on jacket, then putting pack back on.  In James Elson’s video of ‘best way to pack your race pack’ he suggests a bigger jacket that pulls on over the pack (negating the need to take pack off and keeping kit dry too), but mine is way too fitted for that.  The rain was heavy and we had the odd electric storm (thankfully when we were out of the woods).

I was enjoying the woodland sections, I run woods a lot and these woods are awesome.  Care is needed one the tree roots though, Tracey commented on how I dance over the woodland trails.  I think I just enjoy it.  When I do short training runs, I often do a woodland circuit, making use of logs, gates, branches, steps etc. for other exercises as I go. Sorry I digress again (warned you!!)

Tracey has a fab hubby, Pete.  He was waiting at crew points with a car boot filled with an abundance of ultra goodies.  They gave me a rice pudding which went down well. I think I went through Caterham with Tracey, we were yo-yoing a bit, I was often ahead, but she would catch up / overtake.  At Caterham aid station we took off our jackets.  The rain had stopped.  Tracey hit the nail on the head when she said she felt like a ‘boil in the bag dinner’!

I was on my own for a bit after that, it was raining heavily on and off – it seemed that whenever I took my jacket off it would start and whenever I put it on the rain would stop!  The trail was wet and very muddy in places making it treacherous and I heard stories of more tumbles along the way.  It’s a tough course and I was starting to feel it in my hip and piriformis (a bit prone to tenderness there) and in my quads.  Knee was pretty sore and was swelling up a bit.  But this is all part of challenge and I was ok.

At Botley Hill, I could Stuart up ahead with his camera, smiling and offering encouragement as always.  He snapped away and we chatted briefly about my fall. I was going slower than I would have done without the injury but was running all the runnable sections the best I could.

CENTR-17-NDW100-Aid6-BotleyHill-259CENTR-17-NDW100-Aid6-BotleyHill-258I got to Knockholt (the halfway point) in just over 12 hours, I was happy with that considering the earlier stop for first aid etc.  I changed my top and enjoyed some hot pasta.

Second half into the night

I saw Tracey at Knockholt and we were going to head off together, but missed each other (think I was too busy eating!) so I headed off on my own. Half way is aways a mental boost to me.  My watch was a couple of miles ahead of the documented points (it can never be exact, so I was making sure I checked how far to each aid station).

The section just after Knockholt I know fairly well.  The route goes past Dunton Green and through Otford, this a section I sometimes include in my training runs, so I was on ‘home territory’ for a while.  It’s strange running fairly close to home on an ultra, I remembered thinking the same thing last year.  More of those steps at Otford, onwards and upwards.

I won’t lie, it was tough going but I was still feeling positive, despite my knee feeling pretty sore.  I ran with people on and off, a guy called Marcus, a guy called Peter and several others.  But we were pretty spread out and I was on my own a lot.  There was one guy who I yo-yoed with a lot and we kept each other on track.  Many people had poles (I always wonder if maybe I should get some?), and I would often hear the clipping noise of the poles on the ground when another runner was coming up behind me.  The muddy sections were quite slippery in places and the trail was touch on the feet.  But I’d done this before and was determined to push on through.

Free Pants and a pick up

By the time I got to Wrotham it was dark, so I used that aid station to dig out my head torch and also put my watch on charge (it was starting to get low so I thought I’d give a charge for a while – it charges on the go just fine).  When I went inside the Cricket Club, I felt  pretty sick and light headed but food helped a bit.  I stopped here for probably a bit too long – it really is best to keep going and not take root at the checkpoints.  Wrotham was a sponsored aid station – the crew from Runderwear were there giving out free pants., I got a lovely pink pair!  A lovely lady from Runderwear  saw my bandaged bloody knee and sore face and broke into a song that went something like “Nicola .. you’ve got this, you’ve got this Nicola” – thank you Runderwear Team – you definitely gave my spirits a lift 🙂

Food helped the nausea and getting back out helped even more.

I love night running and the night sections don’t usually worry me too much, but we had a couple of long sections and there were roads and bridges as well as trails.  More steep climbs, more steps, more down hill and some relentless gnarly woodland paths.  It was muddy and lumpy under foot.  I kept moving forward and tried to keep up a march whenever I wasn’t running.  I had slowed somewhat though and my knee was feeling pretty stiff.  I got to Holly Hill and tried not to stay too long but probably didn’t eat enough.

I crossed the ‘never ending’ bridge, over the motorway  which I find very poignant, it strikes a chord seeing the signs across the bridge to call Samaritans any time day or night.

Bluebell Hill – 76 miles (my watch was saying 78 – so somewhere around that) was a sight for sore legs.  My knee was stollen and I was moving slowly but still getting some good runs and still in good spirits.

Pushing on to Detling

A long section to Detling, and I was still on my own.  Had I been with others I might have pushed faster, who knows?  You can always look back and say you might have done something differently – I should maybe do a bit less of the hindsight analysis.  I had layered up at Bluebell Hill, the temperature had dropped, it was noticeably cooler than it had been last year.

I tried to pick up pace on a straight flat section, crossed some slippery mud and went flying AGAIN!  Landed on the sore knee and that hurt!  I struggled with a couple of styles, knee didn’t want to bend.

I pushed on and eventually arrived at Detling Village Hall, was pleased to get there.  My watch was on about 84.5 miles (I think it’s officially about 82 so there was probably about just over 20 miles to go). The volunteers at all of the aid stations were brilliant as always, I can never thank them enough, but the guys at Detling really were fantastic.  Cheese on toast, coffee, sympathy, smiles, advice – just what was needed.  I was worried about time (was later than I had planned to be). Knee was pretty swollen, and not bending too well by now, legs were very bruised and seizing up and I didn’t feel that great if I’m honest. But I’d done this before and sure as hell was determined to do it again!  So off I hobbled to tackle the section to Lenham including lots more of those steps.

The bit I don’t want to write!

Despite my efforts to run, I was moving slower than I wanted to.  After about a mile or so I got to the first set of steps, steep downhill. I started to make my way down the steps, I was moving painfully slow and it was really hurting my knee (which did not want to bend). I was worried about time.  I had enough time, I still had some buffer in the bag, but I was going to need to move faster than I was and I suddenly became panicky about losing too much time on the steps. I painfully got about  halfway down the first set, then for the first time (EVER in any race) I lost my resolve and my head suggested giving up.  I stopped and was wavering for a minute, thought ‘no it’s silly to go on’, turned and started to climb up, quickly changed my mind and headed down again.  Knee was hurting and I was moving slowly.  In a split moment’s decision I decided to pull out of the race and go back to Detling.  I still can’t believe I made that decision – whether it was the right decision or the wrong decision – I quit and I just hate the fact that I quit. It goes against my nature and it goes against the spirit of my race. But it happens! So I turned and hobbled back up the steps and along the trail.  I eventually came across a Centurion sweeper taking down markings and he phoned James to let him know I had dropped and would need picking up from Detling.  I hobbled along the trail and back onto to road.  As I walked up the road Dave Brock (one of the Detling crew) pulled up in his car, he’d come to take me back.  Back at Detling, the guys were great, they were packing up but still shared some kind words with me.  I waited with 2 others for the ‘scoop up’ bus which would take us to Ashford.  The mood on the bus was actually quite jovial, I was chatting to the other guys who had been forced out due to injury … it happens.  Sometimes it just isn’t your day.

At Ashford I received a bit hug from Stuart (although it should have been from the track at the finish line after he’d taken my photo).  It hadn’t quite hit me yet as I sat with my hot dog and coffee, chatting to the guys.  I should have had a another buckle!

I’m gutted I didn’t get to Lenham, my buddy Rob Cowlin was volunteering there and I was looking forward to seeing his face and receiving a hug.  I had met Rob a year earlier on the North Downs Way when we both had epic finishes (read in my last year’s blog North Downs Way 100 (another 100 miles)) – what a difference a year makes!!

Tracey finished (of course, she is awesome), as did many others, some with amazing displays of courage and fortitude.  Well done to all.

I was picked up by my friends and my daughter and taken home.

Trail wound!!

Thoughts since the race

I am kicking myself for giving up, for quitting – really disappointed in myself for not pushing to the end (time chasing or not).  I always give it my all.  This is not my first DNF. In February this year I attempted the Arc of Attrition (a brutal 100 miles around the coast of Cornwall), I time out of that race but it is a tough one.  I am going back next February to finish what I started in Cornwall, I will beat the Arc.  So this year was meant to be about training hard and getting some more races under the belt (or buckles on the belt!) in readiness for some tougher challenges next year.

I have always been so proud of my Centurion finishes (the last one being SDW100 a couple of months ago. This time I feel a bit of a fraud, for giving up when in the company of so many amazing people with so much courage.  But I did the North Downs and this IS STILL my favourite race 🙂

I am healing well.  I’ve got a bit of a shiner from where I hit my face, that’ll get people talking – haha 🙂  Legs are good now.  Knee is still swollen and a bit sore but hopefully it’s just tissue damage and bruising and will healed very soon, it is certainly better than it was.  I usually get back to running within a couple of days, but this week I’ve stuck to arms, strength and core work – been letting the knee heal.  But I’m itching to get out there ?:)

I have received so many kind words and so much support, but it’s the demons in my own head that I need to silence.

What next?

Ok so I’ve mentioned the Arc of Attrition, which I will go back to conquer next February (Tracey is running it too this time).  After this experience, I really want to get back in the ‘100 mile saddle’ as soon as possible, so looking to sneak another one in this year.

I really want to get into mountain ultras. Not sure how I’d do but you just don’t know what you can do until you try.  Having gained more than enough qualifying points I did apply for UTMB this year but was unsuccessful in the ballot, so am hoping to be more successful for next year.  I will be 50 next year so wouldn’t it be just amazing to go get myself Arc and UTMB buckles!  There are several smaller races abroad that I like the look of too and I would love a bash at LL100 (or even LL50), so we’ll see.  In the meantime I need something else this year, so I will be back soon.  And I do love Centurion races and runners.

Final Words

So I feel pretty deflated right now – didn’t have myself down as a quitter but there are 3 things for me to remember here:

  1. It happens …. it can’t always be your day!
  2. Unless your name is Kilian, it you pick a fight with a trail you are unlikely to win!
  3. Through this mad sport I have met so many inspirational, amazing people and I continue to do so.

So am proud? ……

  • of keeping going for about 85 miles … YES!
  • of giving up …. absolutely NOT!
  • of the gutsy, determined, courageous people I ran with … HELL YES!
  • of the amazing Centurion Army who looked after us ….. ABSOLUTELY!

Will I be back soon? … You bet!

In the meantime I still have these (considering 3.5 years ago I struggled with 10k)

So this was the blog I didn’t want to write but I am glad that I did!

You’ll see me on the trails soon!

You can read my previous blogs / race reports here (if you are still awake!):

South Downs Way 100 – my 4th buckle

Autumn 100 (my third 100 mile challenge)

North Downs Way 100 (another 100 miles)

Did I really run 100 miles? – TP100


South Downs Way 100 – my 4th buckle

The road to Winchester (with a bit of a detour)

I’ve said it before and no doubt I’ll say dat again, rocking up at a Centurion Registration is a little bit like going home (or at least turning up at an extended family party or a school reunion).  And that’s just how it felt early on Saturday 10 June when I arrived at Chilcomb Sports Club, near Winchester for the SDW100.

This was my 4th Centurion Running 100 mile ultra.  In 2016 I ran the other 3 Centurion 100 mile races, you can read about those adventures here.  My original plan in 2016 was to run Thames Path 100, that got me hooked and I ended up doing North Downs Way 100 and Autumn 100 too.  Was a bit gutted that I didn’t run SDW100 as well, as that would have earned me the awesome, coveted Grand Slam buckle.  But hey 3 x 100 milers in 5.5 months is not to be sniffed at, especially for someone who’d only been running for a couple of years or so at the time.

I train loads.  My average weekly mileage is around 75 miles (going up when I am in peak training for a race).  I also do a lot of strength training and other exercise, really been working hard at the strength and core, so I do exercise a lot.  Some may say that I run too many miles in training, but it’s not all flat out, it’s a lot about time on feet with me.  You will notice that I am digressing already 🙂 I will get back to the race in question soon, but anyone who has read my previous blogs will know that you don’t just get a race report …. you get a bit of background and a chunk of me too …. boring or not! 🙂

I’ve only been running about 3.5 years, in fact I didn’t really exercise at all until I was in my 40s and got the bug for trail running after recovering from foot injuries.  I raised the bar and the distance pretty quickly but now have the bug and really enjoy losing myself for hours on trails or scampering around in the woods.  My first ultra was in 2015, absolutely loved it, made loads of new friends and have not looked back.  I’ve not I have an ever increasing bucket list but my big goal at the moment is UTMB.  Having earned sufficient qualifying points, I entered the ballot for UTMB this year but was unsuccessful.  So I’m hoping to be more lucky next year and run it to celebrate my 50th birthday.

Promise I will get to SDW shortly, just one other little matter to divulge.  In February this year I travelled south west and attempted the Arc of Attrition, a 100 run around the coast of Cornwall.  Unfortunately, after chasing cut off times from early in the race, it wasn’t to be my day and I was timed out of the race.  Getting you head around a DNF is pretty tough, but it happens.  The race was fantastic, I was just too slow and not sure that my head was in the right place.  Anyway, I’ve entered again for 2018 and I will bringing that particular buckle home next February.

So back to the now….. having completed the other 3 Centurion 100s, this was the day to tackle the only one I hadn’t done, 100 miles along the South Downs

Way.  Having registered and dropped my bags, I prepared for the race.  I’d met lots of people at previous races and though the Centurion Running Community FB page, and a couple of them said ‘hi’ as we gathered for James’s pr-race brefing.  The usual sensible instructions;  “follow the course marking”, “look after each other” etc.

And then we were off ….


The first 22

It always takes me a while to get settled into a race, getting through the first couple of aid stations is always good.  During the first few miles I had my usual, “why am I doing this” thoughts, but found that I was actually running quite well.  The course was pretty hilly from the off, but I was managing to keep a steady pace.  It’s never about running 100 miles, we break it down, so it’s always about running to the next aid station.

The first aid station was Beacon Hill, at just under 10 miles.  The course was already hilly, so I was getting a taste of what was to come.  But I felt ok and was happy to stock up on food and drink, then quickly push on.

I was running well, chatting to other runners, in particular a guy called Daniel whom I new briefly from Autumn 100.  We were chatting and sharing bucket lists as we ran.  At around 12 miles I took dive!  I always seem to manage to fall in the early stages of an ultra, this time it was through zoning out not looking our for tree roots.  It shook me up a bit, but after a helping hand from Dan and another guy, I was back on my feet, brushed myself down and was again on my way.

The morning was warm, the sun was shining and the ground hard.  The back of my heal was hurting a little …. more about that later!! I was running ok though, happy with my pace for this stage of the race and I reached the second  aid station, QE Country Park – 22.6 in about 4 hours 20mins.  It was good to the first two chunky sections out of the way.


Pushing on to 50

Stuart March, the brilliant Centurion photograph, and all round smashing guy, was doing what he does best and capturing our adventures.  It’s not unusual for Stuart to suddenly appear appear from under a bush or be seen laid out on the trail .. always ready to capture an ace shot.  Stu is a great, if you ever need a photographer check him out at Stuart March photography.

I passed through Harting Downs around 27 miles and Cocking at 35.1.  I was sometimes running with Daniel, sometimes with others and sometimes alone.  I saw Andy, a guy I knew from previous races and chatted briefly to him.  The rolling hills were tough and my hip was hurting (I tend to suffer with hip and piriformis tightness) but I still felt strong.  I was making sure that I ate a bit at every aid station, often stopping quickly and taking a little doggy bag with me to see me on my way.  I seemed to be getting the hydration right too, and was managing nutrition and hydration well (possibly my best yet).  But the rolling hills felt never ending and the chalky and lumpy terrain was exceptionally hard on my feet. It was also very hot, and I was beginning to look a bit like a beetroot!  I ran for a bit with a really friendly guy named Roy, he’d run lots of marathons but this was his first 100, we yoyo’d each other for a while.  I crossed a couple of other runners, who seemed to know me from previous races (thinks it’s the purple hair that they remember!).

Somewhere just before Cocking (I think was), I was struggling a little, and having been alternating running and walking, my spirits dropped, just a little!  That’s when I saw Stuart walking towards me, smiling as ever.  He took another couple of snaps and then gave me a big hug and some encouraging words, and I was on my way. That was a big lift!

Halfway and beyond

It seemed a long slog to the 50 mile point, Kelhurst Hill Aid Station.  The terrain was lumpy and hilly and the weather hot.  That said, I was still happy and made the halfway point in about 11 hours.  Halfway is always a big boost mentally, as it usually means that you have less to go than you have already done (ish).

Washington aid station (at 54 miles) was in a Village Hall (many of the aid stations are gazebos or farm sheds), and this is where we had drop bags, hot food and proper toilets – so quite a big plus for the mindset.  I managed to pick up speed running into Washington,  which was a sight for sore legs.  The volunteers, as always, were superb, filling my bottles, fetching my drop bag and bringing me food.  I surprised myself with how quickly I wolfed down the hot tomato pasta, this was good as I still eating well and feeling ok.  All too often, stomach issues can end a runner’s ultra race, there’s only so far that you can go on empty.  Despite the relative comfort and happy faces at Washington, I was determined not to ‘take root’ and eager to keep the legs moving.  Head torch ready for when the sun went down, off I set again onto the trail.

If it ain’t broke ……..

……………. DO NOT under any circumstances fix it!!!!  

Ok so the feet!!  Despite only having been running for a few years, I have covered a lot of mileage (my total mileage or 2016 was 4,019), and I’m on track for much of the same this year.  Prior to SDW100 I had completed 5 ultras of 60 miles or more (3 of them 100s), plus all the training mileage.  I am (or was!) proud to say that I had never had a blister from running.  I seemed to have got exactly the right sock / shoe combination for me every time, and despite other issues with the feet (which I will cover another time – too much for this report), I had never had to deal with blisters.  A lot of runners tape their feet in ‘blister prone spots’ or ‘stop to pop’ during the race.  I have always said, that if like me you find the right shoe and sock combination for distance – NEVER CHANGE IT!

So what did I do the week before the race?  Yep that’s right, I decided to wear different trail shoes.  I had run trained in them but probably the longest run in them was about 20 miles (maybe less).  Why did I make this decision … well concern about the hard ground, pre race nerves and basically just a temporary leave of absence of rational thinking on my part!  The result ……… The backs of my heals completed ripped to shreds, with cuts and massive blood blisters …. not a pretty sight when the shoes came off I can tell you.

But back to the race, I could feel a rubbing on the back of my heal from early on.  I did retrieve a small stone and thought that would do the trick, but I could still feel the cutting.  I never take shoes off during a race, although maybe this time I should have done, then I might have discovered and treated the blisters, but I just rocked on thinking it wasn’t that bad really.  The backs of my feet were sore, but this merged in with other foot pain and generally aching legs and hips.  By now the quads were screaming a bit too – South Downs Way is really a collection of large rolling hills!

That Moon!

I kept on pushing, still going ok, but feeling it.  I wasn’t worried about the night drawing in, I actually like night running (particularly in the open countryside of races), and we actually only had about 6 hours of darkness as it was mid June.

Boltophs aid station at 61 miles was a welcome tick as was Saldlescombe Farm at 66.6 miles, where the volunteers masqueraded as devils with their flashing horn headbands 🙂

Roy caught up with me briefly.  I had seen him at Washington and he was struggling with an injury, that was a while back, so he must have put his foot on the accelerator to get to me. On and off through the dark hours I was running with a guy with a lot of races under his belt and who was very good company – ashamed to say I have forgotten his name (but then the brain does take a bit of a mashing on a 100 miler).  There were some lovely ladies too, all ultra runners are awesome.

The night was clear, with an almost full moon. My head torch seemed to be dipping a bit, it probably needed new batteries, but to be honest, I could see well enough and just had to be extra careful at the odd road or woods section.  Most of the terrain was fields or trail, it was very chalky, lumpy and extremely hard on the feet. The bottoms of my feet and my toes were getting a bit sore by now.  I was alternating running and walking.

The moon was bright and it was a beautiful night.

Housedean Farm … pick me up

From Saddlescombe to Housedean was a long section, approx. 10 miles.  My legs were aching and I seemed to be on endless gradual hills.  I’d lost my appetite a bit by now but making sure I kept hydrated.  One foot in front of the other …. getting there!  At Housedean, Paul was volunteering.  I ran most of the NDW100 with Paul last August (part of his Grand Slam), he is a great guy and I knew that seeing him would be a good tonic for me.  I was flagging a bit when I marched into the farm, but wanted a quick turnaround as needed to get to the end.  Paul gave me exactly the boost I knew he would. I never usually drink coke, but in man ultra it is the nectar that draws me to each aid station.  Paul plied me coke and motivational words and off I set on the next section.

That sunrise ….. WOW

The sky was RED, I could see for miles, and it was beautiful.  It is difficult to describe how stunning the sunrise was, and it seemed to last forever.  Some runners took photos and I wish that I had too, but I didn’t take any pics of the stunning views in this race.  A fellow runner, Andy Pumphrey took some absolutely draw dropping shots, which encapsulate the stunning sunrise and also depict the journey of an ultra runner.  Andy kindly consented to me and others sharing his wonderful photos.  Welcome to our world ….

courtesy of Andy Pumphrey
Ultra runners
Awesome sunrise
From Housedean, there was what seemed like another long section to Southease (mile 84 /85 ish).  I was managing to run stretches at an ok pace and I was yo-yoing a few other runners.  I did pace myself on a couple running together, their split of walking and running seemed to suit me.  When I couldn’t run, I tried to march.  My feet were shredded, my quads were screaming.  And still the hills came!

The last 15! …..

If you read any of my race blogs you will see a paragraph similar to this one… the last 15 miles of a 100 miler feel like 50.  By now everything was hurting.  The volunteers at Southease (as with all aid stations) were amazing.  These people give up their time (often as many hours as the runners) to smile at us, fill our bottles, prepare and cut up food and give us the mental boost to keep on going.  I really cannot thank the ‘Centurion Army’ enough, and am actually thinking of volunteering myself … to give something back!

Miles 84 to 91.6 were tough, I was slowing and everything hurt, but spirits were high!  Alfriston aid station at 91.6 was inside.  I arrived there alone and the wonderful volunteers topped up my water and offered me food. By now I couldn’t eat much and I did feel a little nauseous.  I took the opportunity to use a proper toilet, sat on the loo, the next thing I knew I was jolting awake…. I had fallen asleep on the toilet 🙂  Not sure if it was for a moment, a few seconds or a few minutes (it couldn’t have been long), but this was a prompt to kick myself out of there and get moving.

With just over 8 miles left, my legs were stiff and everything hurt.  Back on the chalky, lumpy trail, I was sticking to grass where I could.  The downhill sections in particular were killing the quads!  But I kept moving forwards as you do. I was on my own for the last 8 and it seemed like 80, not quite sure how I powered on but power on I did. I have given up working out pace times – brain was mashed! I didn’t stop at Jevington, the last aid station, just logged my number and pushed on … needed to get to the finish, just one 4 miles to go!  During this time the course deviated from the SDW and took me down a narrow trail with a rather rocky and slippery tipping point.  I almost went flying!

Sprint Finish

The last 2 miles were road … what seemed like a never ending shuffle to Eastbourne Sport Ground.  It was strange to be out on a main rain and I was walking now.  Someone shouted from a vehicle window .. it was Roy, he unfortunately had not finished the race but seemed chirpy and told me that the stadium was close.  It didn’t seem close .. that last stretch seemed to go on forever.  My feet were hurting so much!

At last I saw the stadium, and with a lump in my throat entered the ground.  One of the staff called out ‘a lap of the track and you are done’.   I started to march around the track, the distance actually looked daunting.  Everyone was cheering and shouting “Run, come on!” The Centurion staff at finish were ringing cow bells.  Some runners entered the stadium behind me – I heard a shout of “You don’t want those boys to catch you!”.  The finish line in sight, about 300 meters to go I started to run again and actually managed a sprint finish.

Stuart was in front of me snapping away, and he was the first to congratulate me over the line.  Hugs from Nici and co, the wonderful Centurion staff and I was handed my 4th 100 mile buckle.  I had finished in 26 hours 50 mins, which is about the usual time for me.


At the finish I met Tracey, she’s a lovely lady and an Ultra Queen.  Last year she completed the double Centurion Grand Slam (so 4 x100 races and 5×50 races) and this year she is doing the same.  It was great to catch up with her at the finish.

The volunteers on hand, I sat at Eastbourne Sport Ground for some time.  I scoffed down 2 hot dogs and drank a lot of coffee.  I felt weak and cold but taking time to recover helped.  Roy appeared and was fetching me coffee and telling me to keep warm.  Other runners were resting and swapping stories, all of us moving with a slow shuffle when we tried to go anywhere :). Eventually, I ordered a taxi to Eastbourne station and embarked on my journey home.  I caught a train from Eastbourne to London Victoria , it was quite packed (as it goes via Gatwick Airport).  Sitting stiffly on the train, I was aware that I absolutely stank, so goodness knows what the other passengers thought! :).  I was in a lot of pain and very tired but I was happy.  My daughter Natalie met me at Victoria to carry my bags and accompany me on the train from central London to home.  I finally shuffled home and sat down.  Now it was time to prise off the shoes, and that’s exactly what we had to do! At one point I thought my foot would snap off with the shoe!. Socks were a bit stuck to the bleeding blisters, but once all off and once I was bathed, I felt much better!  Despite all this, and the difficulty in walking the next day, all I can think is that I want to do another!

Recovery week has been good, legs eased quickly.  I was training again Tuesday evening, albeit only arms and core. My PT and friend Cam (Jensen Exercise) not only prepares me well but keeps an eye on my recovery. I have continued to improve during the week, and am enjoying exercise. The blister healing has been the biggest issue but they are getting there now.  Lots of walking helped the legs and I’ve done a couple of shortish runs now, taking it easy, so all is well there.

What next .. and final thoughts

I am so proud of my 4 buckles! Ok so it’s not the official Grand Slam, but I now have the full set, and in a fairly short space of time really!


No matter how tough they are, I want to run another 100 miler soon!  A deciding whether to do the NDW100, it’s less than 7 weeks away and I ran it last year.  It’s a tough race but it is my favourite Centurion race, so we’ll see.  Cotswold 100 is another option, or maybe a slightly shorter distance (nah – I want to run 100 miles).  Next year (when I will be 50), I am going back to Cornwall to tackle the Arc – unfinished business, and this time I will return with that buckle.  So lots of training and prep to do for that one.  I am also hoping to get into UTMB, so let’s see what the ballot brings this time.  Lots of options! Watch this space!

As for me, well if there is one thing that I have learned in the last 2 years, it’s that trail running and endurance sport is great for the soul!  I don’t know much at the moment about where I want to be in life, but I do know the I want to be on trails, I want to be outside and I strive to run up mountains.  I’m not a great runner but I train a lot and challenge myself.  I have met so many fantastic people through fitness and running, I’ve made some incredible friendships.

The day I stop enjoying it is the day I stop doing it!  For as tough as this fitness and ultra lark is (and believe me it is tough), I do it to preserve my soul, and it seems to be working.  The post – race downer will kick in at any minute …..  but for now this soul is happy!

Thank you to everyone who supports me 🙂

If you are still awake, you can read my previous race blogs here ….

Did I really run 100 miles? – TP100

North Downs Way 100 (another 100 miles)

Autumn 100 (my third 100 mile challenge)


Autumn 100 (my third 100 mile challenge)

Autumn 100 (my third 100 mile challenge)

Goring & Streatley (how did I get here?)

Arriving at registration for a Centurion ultra marathon is like coming home.  It’s like arriving at a gathering of family that you haven’t seen for a while.  Whether I know people or not, they all just feel like people I belong with. Home is not a place, it’s a feeling of belonging, and that is exactly how I felt.

It was Saturday morning and Goring Village Hall was buzzing.  Upon arrival, I was greeted with a big hug from Stuart March, a fantastic guy (pretty awesome ultra runner) and amazing photographer, who always manages to capture the real essence of an event and who brings our adventures to life, capturing the moments that make the memories.  Honestly … check out his work! stuartmarchphotography.co.uk   The greeting from Stuart made me smile, he had recognised me from my previous race, NDW100 and it settled my nerves to see a friendly face. A strange feeling, having catapulted into this ultra world pretty quickly, it just amazes me how many people I have met and how they are so welcoming.  I never dreamt I would be a part of anything like this – never dreamt.

I went through kit check, always feel a bit clumsy at this point.  The volunteers and staff are great and never rush you, but I always seem to have to pull out the complete contents of my race pack to produce the items that they ask for at the kit check.  They always smile.  Disclaimer signed, drop bags dropped to the lovely lady with a handmade sign on her head saying. ‘I’ve got baggage’, race number collected.  I almost forgot to collect my order from the Centurion store (maps of Thames Path and Ridgeway National trail in case of loss of navigation – but more for souvenir status!), but I remembered so all was well.  I wandered around the hall, taking in the atmosphere, and nibbling on a brioche roll.  Runners were greeting each other, taping muscles, packing ultra vests, filling water, nibbling on snacks, chatting excitedly and giving instructions to crews. It sounds manic, but it is actually very calm.  Nici Griffin (how can I describe Nici? – the heart and sole of Centurion Running) was calmly (on the outside) organising everyone, smiling and making us all feel good – as only Nici does. I bumped into Paul, and it was good to see him.  I ran most of NDW100 with Paul, really nice guy, we kept each other going.  Paul was going for the Centurion Grand Slam (all 4 Centurion 100 mile ultras in a year – well actually in less than 6 months).  I had was about to undertake my 3rd (had missed South Downs Way 100).

I had spent the night before at a pub/hotel in neighbouring Pangbourne to be close to the race start.  The hotel was fine, if basic, but I do wonder if it was actually the same place that was illustrated in the photographs on their website!  In the morning I met other runners on the train to Goring.  Walking to registration I found myself chatting to a woman, who I couldn’t place but knew I’d seen before. She told me about the numerous ultras (100 milers) she had run, and confessed to just getting over a lung infection!  After chatting to her again at reception, the penny dropped and I realised it was Roz. I knew of her through a mutual running friend, Bruce, and she had actually given Bruce and I the kick we needed to get out of Reading Aid Station at mile 74 (I think) on Thames Path 100, with hot sweet coffee, when we were both flagging!  Thinking back to that race, and realising I was rocking up to the start of my third 100 miler reminded me of the surreal journey that I had been on so far!

Somehow I was starting my third 100 miler (all 3 Centurion races).  I was never sporty, started exercising at 40 (originally to lose weight), started running really only less than 3 years ago at 45/46, following some foot issues (which I still have to manage).  I ramped up distance quickly, discovered this thing called trail running (to me much more exciting and motivating than road) and pushed myself to complete a couple of trail marathons.  Then I learnt about these ridiculously long distances that people run called ultra marathons. I read some pretty inspirational books and learned that people do actually run 100 miles non stop.  Well the rest is history, as they say.  I am not belittling this challenge by any means at all, quite the opposite, but little old me got it into my head that I was going to run 100 miles! In 2015 I ran 2 ultras (The Wall – 69 miles and White Rose 60).  Then I entered Centurion’s Thames Path 100 (TP100).  I went for 10k to 100 miles in 2 years.  You can read all about my journey to 100 and my TP100 race in my blog  Did I really run 100 miles? – TP100.  Needless to say it was the toughest thing I’d ever done, but I loved it, you soon forget the pain a relentless challenge to get to the finish line.  So on the waiting list I went and ended up getting a place in North Downs Way 100  (NDW100).  Now this one was a different beast, in my view the terrain was a lot tougher but I got on better with nutrition and hydration, and despite the hot August weather, I think that one was actually my favourite.  You can read about that one too North Downs Way 100 (another 100 miles).  After NDW100 I joined the waiting list again (don’t even remember doing it), and just 4 weeks before the race I entered my 3rd 100 miler, Autumn 100 (A100).  It was just 5.5 months since the first, and seeing as my goal was just 1, it was a pretty surreal feeling being at the start of my 3rd in less than 6 months, already having earned 2 coveted 100 mile buckles!  Despite my late entry, I had not stopped training. I have been lucky with my post race recovery and after both TP100 and NDW100 I was back to full strength and mileage pretty quickly.  I cover a lot of mileage, averaging probably 75 -80 miles per week, peaking at higher in preparation for a race. I run 30 plus miles pretty much every Sunday and I like to build up 40 miles before a race. I’m not saying that is the right way to train or that I am fast or a good runner (I am definitely not), but it seems to work for me.  I also try to do a lot of cross training, strength, cardio, a bit of weights, core, circuits etc.  I have had Personal Training for about the last 2.5 years with a good friend and great trainer, Cameron at jensenexercise.com.  Cam has supported and encouraged me, and is particular good at tailoring training to his clients’ needs, getting fantastic results.  He probably realised that I wanted to run ultras before I did, and he has worked with me on my strength and core training in particular, and constantly reminds me of the importance of rest, recovery and hydration.  He’s also an awesome Sports Therapist, I swear by his deep tissue massage.

Anyway, back to that Village Hall in Goring – I spotted the Centurion Grand Slam Buckle. It is awesome, it is big. I was kicking myself for missing South Downs Way 100 (in June), I was about to complete 3/4 of the job and felt that I had it in me and could have gone for that GS Buckle.  But that was not the original plan, and so I had to remind myself to happy with being on the start line for third 100 (the last one being only 9 weeks ago).  I saw Alf outside the hall at Goring.  I originally met Alf at The Wall (my first ultra in June of last year).  He is a good ultra runner but has dogged by injury so today he was volunteering.  It was good to see him, the world of ultra running seems a small one.

At Goring Village Hall

I walked with the other runners the short walk to Streatley where the race would start.  James Elson (Ultra Runner supreme, founder of Centurion Running and Race Director) gave the race briefing.  James was the course record holder, and smiled wryly as he said that conditions were good and he expected both male and female records to be broken. At 10:00am on the dot we were off. A100 is formed of  25 mile 4 spurs (or legs), each roughly 12.5 miles out and back.  The first is little shorter and the last a little longer, but there or there abouts.  The first and fourth spur are Thames Path National Trail and the second and third are Ridgeway.  At the end of each spur the runners return to Goring & Streatley. The other 2 100 mile races I had run were both point to point, so this was a different dynamic and a slightly different mental challenge.

Spur 1 – Goring to Little Wittenham and return – Thames Path

Running an ultra on the Thames Path is difficult as it is relatively flat and therefore the terrain does not determine pace.  When I ran TP100 I went out too fast and probably paid for that later on.  There is a fine line between getting the first half of the race completed quickly (bagging time for later) and over cooking it early on.  I was determined not to go out too quick on A100, but go out too quick I did, as did quite a few others.  The first 12 miles went well.  It was a sunny morning, hot for mid October.  For the first part of the race runners are less spread out, so whilst I ran on my own a lot, I did chat fellow runners and there were always people around me.  The first Aid Station was about 6.5 miles in, I was feeling good, stocked up on water  and made sure I ate some food.  At the turnaround for the first leg I met Paul, and we ran together for a while heading back.  At this point I was aware I’d gone out a bit quick (Paul said he had too), so we reined in our pace just a little.  I say ‘we’ but I actually lost Paul after a while.  I stopped to check for stone in my shoe and he was moving well, so I didn’t actually catch him up again.  Paul went on to finish the race in 23 hours, so not only did he get his Grand Slam buckle, but also got a special ‘1 day buckle’ for completing A100 in under 24 hours – awesome achievement!

I ran with a guy for a while who had a fantastic blue mohawk hairstyle.  It was hot and he was running without his shirt, just his ultra back and sporting some cool tattoos.  It’s good to see a bit of colour and eccentricity on the trail and I complemented his hair.  He said that he liked my purple hair, but I don’t think I was pulling off my look anywhere near as well as he did his.  I can’t remember his name, but unfortunately he pulled out of the race after 25 miles with severe plantar fasciitis pain (I know all about that so I was full of sympathy).

Shoes – should have got new ones!

I am proud to say that I have never had blisters from running shoes (or at least I was until A100).  For distance I wear Brooks Adrenaline ASR (a hybrid shoe), which although not the best for technical trail, are supportive, comfortable and good to my feet. I have had pair after pair and they work for me.  So, back to A100 – first leg –  I stopped to check for a stone in my shoe, but it wasn’t a stone.  What I discovered was the material coming away on the inside of my left shoe and had started to rub my foot. Later on in the race the outer part of the shoes would actually start to come apart.  It’s not that they are bad shoes, it’s just that the pair I was wearing had done more miles than they probably should and I should have bought a new pair before the race – Schoolgirl error number 1!   I adjusted my sock and shoe and carried on, it wasn’t too uncomfortable at this stage.

I completed the first 25 mile leg in about 4 hours 20mins (having checked my pace a bit) so was happy with that. Stocked up on water and food (Alf looked after me), now for leg 2.

Spur 2 – Goring to Swyncome Farm and return, Ridgeway (a leg for the girls)

The second leg was the most fun.  It was only 4 miles to the first Aid Station, so that came fairly quickly.  It was still pretty warm so I was glad of the flat coke and water top ups.  I was making myself eat.  The terrain was a bit more varied.  I had slowed down, maybe a bit more than I would have liked, but I was still going ok.  The shoe was still rubbing and my hips were feeling it but nothing too bad.  The race leaders passed me, coming back on their return, both male and female were absolutely flying, they just seem to glide over the trail.  The leader was running 7 minute miles, how on earth does he sustain that over 100 miles? Wow!

Ultra running is a male dominated sport.  No, that probably doesn’t paint the correct picture.  There are many outstanding women ultra runners, but percentage wise there are a lot more men than women in the races. However, I seemed to meet a lot of crazy, lovely women during A100. I ran on an off with a group of ladies during the second leg.  One of them was Emma, she was great fun and really encouraging.  Ultra running does strange things to your digestive system and I’m not sure who was burping the loudest out of me and Emma!!  There was Jane and Becky too, and we paced each other well.  The turnaround seemed a long time coming, it was about 8.5 miles. I was trying to spend as little time as possible at the aid stations.  The longer you stop, the more you seize up and the harder it is to get going again.  It seemed a long way back, you have some long fields on this section of Ridgeway trail plus woodlands.  By now my feet were a bit sore and I could feel it in my legs but I was going ok and was enjoying occasional chat and banter with the girls.  We pushed on well.  Early evening, it started to rain.  I like running ing the rain and at first it was quite refreshing.

Goring is Evil

I made the half way point at Goring (50 miles) in about 10 1/2 hours, I was happy with that. Before the race, someone had said “Consider Goring as evil”.  This was the best advice.  You really have to stop yourself taking root at an aid station.  It’s all about knowing what you need to do before you go in and just doing that and getting out again.  I was trying to do this but I did faff around with my drop bag a bit at the half way point (didn’t really need it to be honest).  Alf helped me fill bottles and made me coffee. I ate some food but finding it more difficult to eat by now. Nici was calmly having a crisis with her laptop and dealing with everything else at the same time!

As I said before, the half way point is a big boost mentally, effectively you are counting down from then on.  But it is also where the race really starts.  I was already tired, my foot was sore, hips were aching, it was dark and thought of another 50 miles was quite daunting.  But you just have to get out there and carry on and that’s what I did – on into the night for leg 3.

Coke, coffee, electrolytes and grub

Ok so maybe that heading should be ‘Hydration and Nutrition’.

I don’t take gels, I never have done.  I try to eat something at every aid station.  As the race goes on it gets more and more difficult.  By the half way point I was finding it more difficult to swallow food, I had to chew it a lot or eat soft foods.  In the latter miles, it was a real struggle to get food down, but when I did it would really help.  I can’t say it enough – flat coca cola – gets me through ultras.  I never usually drink coke, but in both NDW100 and A100, I was craving it and the thought of coke was spurring me on to the next aid station.  Electrolytes – I putting an SIS tab into a bottle of water every so often and I really believe it helps.  A cup of warm coffee at the aid stations was another ‘pick me up’.  These are the things that work for me!

Spur 3 – Goring to Chain Hill and back (not my best leg)

I set off on the 3rd leg and found myself with Emma and Becky again.  It was 8.5 miles to the next Aid Station at Bury Downs, so quite a long section. The trail was quite uneven in places, so I was feeling it on my feet. Emma had a friend of hers, Keith, pacing for her on this leg.  He was a friendly guy, and a pleasure to run behind – his backside was the best view on the Ridgeway!  ;0)

Bury Downs Aid Station – quick stop and push onwards.  Not long afterwards, at about mile 60 I took a tumble, just lost my footing and came down hard on the trail.  It took me a minute to recover before I got up (Emma later said that from a distance she thought I was being sick), and it took me a few more minutes to walk it off.  I wouldn’t recommend falling over at mile 60 but I eventually managed to get going again.  Chain Hill seemed a very jovial Aid Station and everyone was in good spirits.  I got moving again quickly on the long slog back to Goring.

I lost Emma and the lovely Keith whilst faffing around putting my garmin on charge.  It was beeping ‘low battery’ so I charged in on my wrist from a portable USB charger.  I was still making good time (for me), managing to run at a decent pace and walk when I needed to.  The trail was uneven and I worried about falling over again.  By now, my feet were quite sore and ankles and shins were hurting.

It was a beautiful night, the sky was clear and the stars were bright, at this point I could still appreciate it (just about).  This section of the Ridgeway is very open and the night was so bright, you could probably have run it without a head torch on (not that I tried).  I was keeping good pace running and walking a bit when I needed to.  It seemed a long leg but I passed back through Bury Downs and kept moving forwards.

Bury Downs Aid Station 3.05am – taken by Michael Hinchcliffe (one of the volunteers)


The detour

By my reckoning I was about 4 miles from Goring, it was 3am. Once I got back, there would just be one leg left to go. It was getting tougher now.  Early on, if you feel pain you can pinpoint where it is, but as the race goes on it gradually blends to an all over ache until it’s a case of ‘everything hurts!’

I was running on my own, had been for a while. I was pretty zoned out intent on getting back to Goring.  I suddenly came to my senses and thought, ‘I don’t recognise that section that I’ve just run’ and became aware that I hadn’t seen a course marker for sometime.  But I had been going straight with no junction, so decided to keep going a bit further, sure that I would see a marker soon – Schoolgirl error number 2!  Shadows and tiredness can play tricks on your eyes in the night on the trail and I kept thinking I could see a marker only then realise it was just leaves or a branch.  I came to a section of houses and thought ‘this definitely doesn’t look right’, so I back tracked a bit.  I saw no other runners and faffed around for quite a while convincing myself that I had not actually gone wrong. – Schoolgirl error number 3!  Not sure why I didn’t get the map out of my pack! Not sure why I didn’t straight away go back track to the point at which I had last seen a course marker.  I was getting a bit panicky worrying about lost time.  In the end I did backtrack, which I should have done much earlier and I eventually found the left turn that I should have taken about 3 miles back.  As soon as I got back on track I could see other runners.  I had lost time and added distance, it was a big mental blow and would put pressure on me despite still having enough time in the bank, I could have kicked myself (but that would have hurt too much :o).  All I could do was suck it up, put it out of my head and keep moving forward.  I got back to Goring at 5am, a good hour later than I would have, had I not taken the detour.

The last leg – Goring to Reading and back -Thames Path – (a little bit of hell)

I was annoyed with myself for going wrong and losing all that time but had to push it out of my mind.  I set off on the last spur, the longest section to Reading and back again.  I was back on the Thames Path, which is anything but pretty when you have been running for 19 hours!

My feet felt shredded.  My shoes were falling apart.  Then came the rain, heavy torrential rain.  It was ok at first, but as it got heavier and heavier I was getting more and more soaked and started to feel cold.  There was a section of woodland with a lot of tree roots, rocks and slopes.  There were fields, which in the rain became muddy and water logged, my feet were so sore.

Whitchurch Aid Station was only about 4 miles from Goring, that was a welcome site.  The Marshall there encouraged me to get going again quickly.  The race was still doable within the cut offs but it was advisable to keep moving forward.

The 9 miles from Whitchurch to Reading felt like 90.  It was pouring with rain, I was soaked and I started to shiver.  My feet could feel every stone, every step.  My garmin battery was low again (I hadn’t charged it for long enough earlier).  I tried to put it back on charge, but it just didn’t seem to be charging.  I think maybe I hadn’t charged the USB charger for long enough – Schoolgirl error number 4.  Subsequently my watch became a bit flakey, sometimes working, sometimes not (due to the low charge), when I desperately needed it to work out my cut off times and mileage.

Relentless Forward Progress

There is a book about ultra running called ‘Relentless Forward Progress’ and in my view it is the most aptly named book you will get.  That is exactly what an ultra marathon is!  Before I did my first 100 miler, I thought that the night would be the toughest part.  Running all night long isn’t easy, but I actually like it.  It is the next day when the sun is up, it’s a new day and you are still going – that’s what I find the toughest.

I eventually got to Reading, shivering and in pain.  The Aid Station was Wokingham Waterside Centre seemed and it seemed to take forever to appear.  I asked other runners, who were returning on their way back how far it was and they kept saying I was nearly there – nearly there was forever!

The last 15 (ish) miles of a 100 miler is  relentless,  painful and filled with a desperate need to get to the finish.  That return journey from Reading to Goring seemed to go on and on.  I was thinking that I was closer to the cut-off than I actually was. I had time to make it, but by now my feet were in agony!  Despite this feeling, there wasn’t a moment when I wished that I wasn’t there, not a moment when I regretted and not a moment when I doubted I would finish.

The Finish

I eventually made it back to Whitchurch and then the longest ever 4 miles to Goring.  As I approached the finish, I felt myself welling up.  I have never had a crew or a pacer for my ultras, happy to run with other runners and make the most of the amazing volunteers at the Aid Stations. But amazing daughter Natalie always insists on being at the end of every race, and as I headed towards the finish I could see her cheering me on.  I felt the tears come (have never shed a tear in previous races), Natalie noticed, took my hand and ran the last few steps with me.  At 26 hours 56mins I reached the finish line.  Had I not taken the detour it would have been somewhat quicker, but I got there and was proud.

I was whisked into a side room of the Town Hall, where the ever smiling Stuart was taking superb Finish photos.  I was congratulated and hugged by Stuart and by Nici (who had hugged every sweaty runner). Nici presented me with my t shirt and my 3rd 100 mile buckle.


I joined the other finishers in the hall, sat down and everything hurt.  I somehow managed to get my shoes off.  My feet were a state, massively blistered underneath.  I threw my shoes away, they were fit for nothing.  I wondered how on earth I would get anything on my feet to travel home.  I had been hoping to go straight to friends’ barbecue but realised that that had been a bit too ambitious.  I ate some food a bit too quickly and felt a bit sick.  But that didn’t matter as I was holding my 3rd 100 mile buckle :o)


Once again, the volunteers were amazing.  Some worked 30 hour plus shifts. Everytime I got to an aid station, there would be someone offering to fill my water, make me coffee, pour me coke.  There was food and incredible words of encouragement.  It inspires me to volunteer myself.

The People

Ultra runners are awesome.  I’ve made some great new friends through running and at each race I meet more incredible people.

Several people I knew were celebrating completing the Grand Slam, including Paul (who I ran NDW100 with), Tracey and Kate, an outstanding achievement by all.


At A100 I met an incredible lady.  Tinu epitomises ultra running. She had attempting 100 miles twice before but unfortunately had not made the finish.  It was Tinu’s birthday on Saturday when we set off and she lit up the trails with a smile and tinsel skirt!  She was the last runner for a lot of the course, but she did not give up.  A lot of people may have thought it was beyond her, but Tinu perservered and finished well ahead of the final cut off.  When she arrived at Goring everyone sang, ‘Happy Birthday’ as she was presented with her buckle.  I honestly don’t think there was dry eye in that village hall when Tinu finished.

 What Next?

I have a dream of doing Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB).  I have sufficient qualifying points, so I will enter the ballot. Not sure I have that much chance of a place but will keep trying each year until I get in.

Now I’ve seen the Centurion Grand Slam buckle and it is special.  So do I go back next year, do the 3 races I’ve done this year plus SDW100 and get the Grand Slam?  That will be foregoing other races and there are quite a few I’d like to try, so we’ll see.

All I know is that I was never a runner, I set a challenge, had a go, enjoyed it, so tried it again and then again!  Every achievement starts with the decision to try.  I was never sporty I’m not fast, I’m not a great runner.  But I saw something that I really wanted to do, so I gave it a try and I think I’ve found my sport.   I am proud of my 3 buckles, here’s to many more! :o)



My previous Race Blogs:

Did I really run 100 miles? – TP100

North Downs Way 100 (another 100 miles)

North Downs Way 100 (another 100 miles)

North Downs Way 100 (another 100 miles)

An early start

Early on an August Saturday morning I found myself in a Primary school hall in the beautiful Farnham, registered and waiting for the pre race briefing for what would prove to be my toughest challenge yet.   This was my second 100 mile ultra marathon, as I had run Thames Path 100 just 3 months earlier.  You can read all about that (and my journey to get there) in previous post Did I really run 100 miles? – TP100.  Wind back 2 years and you would find me training for my first trail marathon (having only just completed a half marathon, and only having been running a matter of months).  A couple of years back I didn’t even know that Ultra marathons existed, and had no idea that people ran 100 mile races, but as soon as I did know, the seed of an idea was sown.  I was a late comer to exercise, finding a bug for it in my 40s, and was even later to running, following a lot of problems with my feet (which I am still managing).  So here I was (at 48 years old) standing in a hall full of ultra runners about to embark on my second 100 miler in just over 3 months.  Despite being a relative novice, a part of me had wanted to have a bash at the Centurion Running ‘Grand Slam’ which involves completing all 4 Centurion 100 mile races in one calendar year (in reality it is actually within about 5 1/2 months).  But cost, planning (or lack of it) and other circumstances prevented me from entering them all, and having missed South Downs Way 100, it is not a possibility for me this year.  That said, my original goal was to run 100 miles (so TP100 was this year’s objective), but anyone who either knows me, knows the wretch of the’post race low’ or both will understand exactly why I went on the waiting the list for NDW100 during my post TP100 blues. So I had entered the race just 5 weeks ago meaning not too much time to build up and think about this one.  That’s not to say I didn’t train.  I train hard, with high mileage each week supplemented with other training too, including PT with my friend and trainer Cam (jensenexercise.com).  I had recovered well after TP100 and got back to training quickly, and so just needed to increase intensity and focus when I entered NDW100. It was Cam who got me to the start on Saturday morning, literally (and physically and mentally).  I was both nervous and excited in equal measures, knowing I would need to dig deeper than ever and thinking to myself, “Am I ready?” I never start a race with any other outcome in my head than finishing, but I was thinking “Where am I going to dig this from?”

So back to that hall, kit check complete, drop bags dropped.  James (Elson), Race Director (and founder of Centurion Running) gave the pre-race briefing.  I digress but must point out how well Centurion is run.  The races are organised fantastically, the waiting list is managed really well, and if you ever email a query, you always receive a quick, friendly and helpful response from James or Nici (the other lovely face of Centurion).  “Look after each other,” James told us, “Don’t get lost, it is hot out there, make hay  when the sun goes down.”  Wise words these would turn out to be!

The first 25 miles

Let’s get on with the race (before you all switch off ;-).  Off we went at 6am, 240 of us started this time.  The first few miles I settled in quite well, the group is fairly close at first so there are always people around.  I remember earlier on, I was running behind a couple of guys who were chatting. Both of them relayed stories of experienced ultra runners they knew of who had been completely broken by this race and not completed it.  I put my fingers in my ears!

During TP100 I had got very dehydrated and had not taken on enough nutrition, which had made me feel pretty rough and I was determined to be better with that this time.  So from the start of NDW100 I made sure I drank and I ate at least something at every aid station.  The bacon sarnies that a very nice guy was handing out went down well too!

The first 25 miles was an enjoyable run, great trail, great company, good spirits.  Puttenham and Newlands Corner Aid stations came and went with the first of the amazing volunteers that looked after us so well.

At mile 20 we were in woodlands and I managed to trip (on a tree route or something), making a spectacular dive and landing face down with a tree trunk straight in the chest and stomach. It got me in the diaphragm so winded me completely. Other runners came to my aid, a particularly nice guy was telling me not to worry and to breath slowly, others stopped too.  I sat in the dirt for a minute while I caught my breath, then got up and carried on.  It was a bit early in the race for circus tricks and I was determined not to let the tumble ruffle me.  That said, I was pretty shaken and felt rather bruised and scraped.

I’d heard people say that it got tough from Box Hill and they weren’t wrong.  The first 25 miles almost lulled us into a false sense of security.  The stepping stones at Box Hill were a bit of fun and Stuart March (the superb photographer) was there getting some great shots. After the Box Hill aid station we had our first taste of those STEPS!  A big hill that we climbed via woodland steps that appeared to be never ending.  At the top we were rewarded with the most stunning views but by now it was starting to get hot.

Hot slog to half way

From the top of Box Hill onwards, the course was hilly, but the scenery was nothing short of breathtaking.  It was getting very hot.  I had been running with a guy named Miles, it was his first 100.  I saw him on and off during the first 50 miles.  From about mile 26 ish (I think) I ran with a guy named Paul.  We got chatting and ended up sticking together for pretty much all of the race.  Paul is a great guy, really good to run with and I am so grateful that he was there to keep me going (particularly later on).  Conscious that I needed to keep hydrated, I was making sure I drank lots of water and filled up at aid stations (those awesome volunteers were quick to fill our bottles throughout :-).  I also took electrolytes and was consciously dropping a tab into a water bottle every so often.  Haunted by the memories of feeling sick during TP100, I was ensuring that I ate something at every aid station.  Bananas, sandwiches and wraps were going down particularly well, and at Reigate Hill we were treated to ‘Percy Pig’ and ‘Colin the Caterpillar’ sweets!   The heat was energy sapping and it kept getting hotter (far hotter than the forecast!).  We were up and down a lot of hills now too … gone was the comfort of the first 24 miles.  A lot of the hills were steep (or were wide woodland steps), not particularly runnable and difficult to push yourself up or down.  By now the quads were starting to protest.  Paul and I were running and walking intermittently.  Paul is a ‘Slammer’ (so going for the Centurion Grand Slam), so he’d done Thames Path too.  Both of us said that we had run out of steam and pretty much walked the last 30 miles  of TP100.  We didn’t want to do that this time, and heeded the words of James to take it easy and not overcook it during the day.  It was still tough going though and, feeling sore from my fall,  I was still thinking “Where am I going to get the energy for 100 miles of this from?”.  I text my daughter Natalie at around mile 38 (Caterham), just to let her know I was ok but that the race was brutal.

Coke saved the day

At the aid stations I was guzzling Coke (that brown fizzy liquid really is a endurance athlete’s best friend).  I very rarely drink Coca Cola, but on a race I positively crave it!  Paul was feeling the same, and throughout we were desperate to get to each aid station, not only to chip off the miles, but to get to the Coke!  At Botley Hill and Knockholt, the volunteers couldn’t pour the stuff quick enough.

Halfway boost

As my fellow ultra runners will know, when you run 100 miles you are always running to the next aid station, so the aim is always the next checkpoint, and gradually you chip them off.  There were a couple of tough sections leading to half way but the thought of getting to the halfway point was big mental plus.  I ran with Paul a lot, and Miles too leading up to Knockholt.  The field was starting to space out more, but we would see some of the same people every so often.  People walking the trail would ask us what we were running and were often amazed at the distance we told them.  One guy said “Oh so you should be finished by about tea time then?” “Erm a little bit longer but hopefully by tomorrow midday was my reply!” Not even the winner would quite make it to Ashford in time for tea! Knockholt Pound seemed a long time coming, but eventually we got there, a town hall this time (a lot of the aid stations were gazebos or tents), and we had drop bags and hot food. I think I made it there in about 12.5 hours, which I thought wasn’t bad considering the toughness of the terrain.  I managed to eat pasta, which was a big positive as at the TP100 halfway point I had been unable to eat anything.  I spent a bit longer at this aid station, people generally do (and I actually sat down), but as much as you want to stay in the comfort of the room, the legs will cease up and it will be harder to start again.  That was a mistake I had made during my first 100 miler.  The volunteers at Knockholt were as lovely as as at all stations.  There was one particular guy who was asking us how long we had been there and telling us not to ‘take root’, so armed with paper cups of hot coffee (for me) and tea (for Paul) we headed off again.  By now my feet and legs were hurting, but knowing we had past the halfway point was a massive boost.  My friend Vikki (who I met through ultra running) text me with kind words of support – that helped.

Passing home (almost)

There was a tough section after Knockholt (all of it was tough really) but this was a 10 mile stretch and seemed a long one.  I had actually run not too far from where I live and at one point I was faced with a sign ‘9 miles to Bromley’, which probably meant it would be less than that for me to actually run home …. how tempting!  Actually not tempting, just a little odd feeling.  I had not given too much thought to the route before the race, had I checked or thought about it a little more this would have been obvious.  We passed through Otford, a village where I have run through a few times on my training runs, albeit from  a different direction.  I made a mental note to make sure I include a bit of the North Downs Way next time I am in that area.  We ran through a lot of corn fields, which reminded me of my training runs arounds Lullingstone and Shoreham (makes sense as we were not that far away).  And the hills kept on coming!  Paul and I were running whenever we could despite being tired.  This ultra was tough.  A lot of people were dropping at the aid stations, I really felt for them.

Garmin times and getting lost

My Garmin (Fenix 3) was always ahead on the mileage.  The mileage can never be exact (as James had reminded us during the race briefing, this is not exactly 100 miles, it is a trail race).  I was a bit ahead of the published mileage, so was making a point of asking at each aid station how many miles to the next, then working out on my watch roughly when we should get there.  When you are pushing onto the next aid station (everything hurting, so tired and craving Coke), if it takes a lot longer than you are expecting it is really hard mentally. Wrotham seemed to take forever to get to and by now it was getting dark.  We were in and out of the aid stations quickly. Despite the fact that the body wants to stop for a while, it is better to get moving as quickly as possible.  I was hurting and aching but the good news was that I was still eating and drinking. My Garmin bleeped ‘low battery’ warning (so much for 24 hour battery life hey).  But no problem, as it is very easy to charge on the go provided you remember to pack the charger lead and a USB charger (which I had).  I think it was between Wrotham and Holly Hill that Paul and I took a wrong turn, I should know but am not sure.  It was around about mile 65 I think.  Throughout the race I was a bit paranoid about going the wrong way.  The North Downs Way is a National Trail so is way marked, and in addition to this Centurion Running mark with reflective tape, particularly at points where we deviate from the trail or where there is a choice to be made.  There were several occasions when I was worried as I had been going for a long time without seeing a marker.  Spotting a strip of reflective tape in a tree was a major comfort and stress relief.  The further you get into the race (and particularly at night) the more tired you get an less you want to get lost or run extra miles.  But that’s what Paul an I managed to do. We came out what I can only describe as a ‘cow proof gate’ and set off down a path that we thought was the right way.  After about a mile (probably a bit less), we were conscious that we hadn’t seen a marker for some time.  Out came the map and Paul attempted to locate us on Google Maps.  When you are not sure where you are, it is difficult to work out where you want to be, and I think I should give most of the credit to Paul for getting us back on track (albeit I did dismiss his idea of a different route to meet the correct trail, insisting that we back track).  So that lost us a bit of time and added about a mile onto our distance.  We picked up pace to get back on track and make up time.

Pushing on….everything hurt ….

The night time was dark but still warm.  I didn’t even need a long sleeved top.  (TP100 had been very different, the night had been very cold).  By now everything hurt.  The hills were still coming and steps too.  The trail was loose and hurt my feet.  A few other runners would pass and we would pass them, and at times with the pack we ran.  Running as much as we could and walking when we needed to, we all tried to push each other on.  I was desperately trying to keep up as I didn’t want to be left on my own during the night, too paranoid that I would get lost.  The trail was tough and it was easy to trip in the dark.  Everything hurt. Bluebell Hill to Detling, we pushed the pace, I started to worry about time  (although there was enough, I just wanted to chip off the miles).  The guys I was running with on and off  (including Paul) made up pace and got ahead.  I was slow getting up some hills and extra careful down the steps.  But I managed to push on, upped my pace somehow (not sure how) and caught up at the aid station or just after.  I wasn’t really stopping now, just to fill water and to grab food.  My feet were so painful!


There was a guy named Rob who I met several times. He was running his first ultra in a bid to break the record for the largest person to run 100 miles.  A super guy, he had friends pacing him for various stages from half way.  At one stage towards the end he seemed to be a bit despondent and I really hoped that he would manage to keep pushing.

That Bridge

I think we passed over the motorway 2 or 3 times.  There was one passing where we went over a very very long bridge.  It is obviously a bridge where people take themselves at desperate times, as there were numerous signs on it saying ‘Samaritans are here to listen 24 hours every day’ and listing their number.  I found that quite poignant 😦

Detling (82 miles) to Lenham (91 miles) …. OH MY GOD!

Ok so picture this ….. I’ve run 84 miles (by my watch), the quads are screaming, feet are shredded, it’s 4am, I’ve been out there for 22 hours, eating is now getting difficult, I’ve just pushed for a few miles to make time and progress, everything hurts!  Then comes some of the toughest 9 mile of the race.  I’d heard people say early, ‘If you make it to Lenham, then you’ll finish!”and I soon found out why.  Hill after hill, loads and loads more woodland steps, up, down, up, down.  Field after field, hilly and bumpy.  The hills were often steep and the steps unevenly spaced. More steps!  It took everything to push the climb or get down the steps (down was often worse).  The legs said NO, the quads screamed, everything hurt.  But I had to keep going.  I was pushing a run whenever I could.  I was worrying about time (doing bad Maths).  I just wanted it over!  The sun came up, which was probably stunning but I didn’t really notice. More steps, more hills, more bumpy trail.  I kept tripping but managed to gain my balance (I was thankful for all the core and balance work my trainer Cam gets me doing – I’m sure it helped).  Every jerk of the body hurt all over.  This section was long and had some big hills and so many steps.  If anything was going to break me it was this section, but I wasn’t going to let it …. I was determined to get to the end and get that buckle!

Cows on the trail


One particular field (which was occupied by cows), the field led straight onto the trail, the trail being narrow through the woods.  Some cows had got right onto our track, and the only way to get through was for me and another runner who was just behind me to literally  nudge them out of the way!

The final 12

At Lenham I didn’t stop, I just gave my number.  I asked the Marshall if there were more steps.  He promised that there weren’t and that it flattened out from now on.  I had about 5.5 hours left before the 30 hour cut off and had 12 miles to complete. Pace was slow now, everything hurt and I felt there was nothing left in the legs. But I managed to keep pushing.  I had dropped back a little from Paul, but I caught him again and we jogged on as much as we could, walking when the legs ceased up.  It was a lot flatter but the trail was often stony and there were other obstacles such as gates and styles.  My Garmin bleeped 100 miles, and no sooner had I acknowledged it, I was faced with another style.  Lifting the legs at this stage was was unthinkable (but only if I thought about it), it had to be done.  We weren’t totally sure of how far we had to go, but when we finally made it to Dunn Street (the final aid station), the volunteers confirmed that it was about 4.5 miles. All I can say is that it seemed the longest 4.5 miles ever!  The first 1.5 – 2 miles was trail, then we deviated from the North Downs Way and headed along roads to the Julie Rose Stadium for the finish.  That stadium seemed to take forever to come.  At one stage I asked a man how far it was, he told us about 800 meters, but it was at least another mile!  Paul and I were watching another runner ahead and kept waiting for him to turn but he kept going.  By this stage I couldn’t run.  There was grit in my shoes, my feet were hurting, my back ached, my legs were shot and I was feeling battered and bruised.  My arms were scratched and grazed from the trail and I was bruised from my early fall. I just needed it to be over. But I was almost there and I was going to get my second buckle!

The finish


I eventually shuffled into the stadium with my new buddy Paul, and of course you have to run to the finish line.  It was only 100 meters and somehow you find it at the end, so I pushed the legs and feet to run to the finish line.  My daughter Natalie and my friend Nina had come to ‘scoop me up’ and had been waiting patiently.  They cheered and filmed me as after 28 hours 34 minutes I finished the North Downs Way 100! I clocked up 105.7 miles, not quite sure how I completed that race but I did it!

Stuart was at the end (with Sarah) taking some amazing photos.  Of course Nici was there too dishing out buckles and hugs.  I was presented with my second buckle and felt so proud, despite being barely able to walk.  Oh and Rob finished not long afterwards,  putting him in the record books!

As for me, well  240 people started the race, 153 finished, 23 of those who finished were women, and the 13th woman was little old me! I’ll take that.  Oh and guess what ….. I want to do another one!


When you run an ultra, you are not running alone.  You can run in solitude if you choose to, but every runner out there is looking our for each other.  It’s like you are a family on the trail, the camaraderie is second to none.  Then there are the volunteers, they are just amazing.  They feed us, fill our bottles and bladders, look after us, fetch for us, make sure we are ok, encourage us and direct us.  They are always smiling even throughout the night and they give up their time to help for free.  I would like to volunteer at a race and I would love to give to runners some of that special support that volunteers have given to me!

What next? …..

My bucket list needs a very big bucket …. there are some amazing ultras out there.  As many know, I have a real ambition to do UTMB.  I now have 11 qualifying points, so only 4 needed from 1 more race.  2018 is the plan for that to celebrate 50th Birthday.  There are a few others that I would love to do too.  Right now, I have an adventure running up Mount Snowdon in a few weeks time with my lovely daughter.  But I am also eager for another ultra to train for …. so watch this space 😉

Did I really run 100 miles? – TP100

Did I really run 100 miles? – TP100


So what’s it all about?

On 30 April 2016, I found myself at Richmond Waterside, with a bunch of amazing runners about to attempt to run 100 miles. I say, ‘about to attempt’ but anyone who knows about these types of events (and for that matter anyone who knows me  well of late) will understand that there was ONLY one outcome in my mind – you don’t enter a 100 mile ultra marathon with any conclusion in your head other than finishing.  With my head buzzing and stomach churning with excitement and nervous energy, I think I will always remember the moment when I looked around at the people congregated with me by the Thames (some serious looking ultra runners), all fantastic gutsy people with unbelievable resolve, and thought to myself… HOW DID I get from my old world to this new world?!!

My blog will be an attempt to reconcile that story and to share some of my thoughts, tips, feelings, and to try to get down some of the endless streams of thought that go through my head (particularly whilst running).  I will touch on the journey in this post (which is meant to be the story of the race) but hope you will join me for further updates, where I will look back along the long road along which I have travelled, my inspirations, my influences, my reasons, my life lessons.  I also hope that you you will come with me on my journey beyond this achievement, as I am just starting to find myself and there will be many adventures ahead.

Looking back

I never used to run … correction, I never used to exercise (but to be fair I started exercising before I started running). I found exercise not long after my 40th birthday.  How, why?  I was pushing it with dress size 14 and did not want to start buying 16.  My motivation was as simple as that.  So I bought some trainers, joined a local leisure centre gym, started doing exercise classes and soon got hooked!  I changed my eating habits too so initially the weight just dropped off. By the time the weight loss steadied I had already become addicted to the exercise, had made new friends at the gym and was loving the new me.  Then I was hit by injuries, mainly to my feet  – plantar fasciitis, tendonitis and issues with my toes (all caused by a combination of too much impact too quickly, poor bio mechanics and over pronation).  To cut a long boring story short, I continued to exercise but injuries and treatment to my feet (including surgery on the left foot) prevented me from doing any real running.  I managed a 10k race in 2013 but foot issues kicked back in shortly after that.  Doctors and physiotherapists ‘suggested’ that running was not for me ……. red rag to a bull springs to mind!  After extensive physiotherapy (luckily I am in a private healthcare scheme), and top class advice and remedial massage from my friend, exercise instructor (and more recently my personal trainer) Cameron @ jensenexercise, on 01 January 2014 I started to run again – just a couple of miles that day.

In February2014 I ran a 10k race at Greenwich Park with my daughter Natalie (who has fantastic long legs and is brilliant fast half marathon runner) and some of my wonderful friends who I had met through the gym.  I had been doing bootcamps run by Cameron as part of my workouts and was loving the outdoors.  By now I was doing PT with Cam too (check out jensenexercise.com),  I think we both realised that I wanted to push my fitness and he really does have a remarkable ability to nurture and support his clients in finding and achieving their own goals.  I ran the London Bupa 10k, but as good as it was there was something about the crowds and the road running that just wasn’t me!  I had heard a bit about trail running and OCR (Cameron was a keen obstacle course racer).  In May 1014 I ran my first half marathon and my first trail run in Bedgebury forest, and loved it. I did a few OCRs that year (including a Spartan race with Natalie and a Tough Mudder with my lovely friends from the gym).  It was Cam who steered me towards my first Marathon (a hilly trail multi lap race called Beauty and the Beast), which I followed up with another trail marathon a few months later.  Then I started googling and that’s when I discovered ultra marathons (it’s surprising how much you learn from typing the words ‘trail run’ into a search engine).  Before that I had no idea that people ran anything like 100 miles, but after I found these races existed there was only one question in my head ‘Can I?!’.  My inspirations are a whole new post so I will save it for another day but I did read Running Past Midnight by an awesome woman called Molly Sheridan and I think she influenced me the most (closely followed by Dean Karnazes).  The renowned Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc  (UTMB) caught my eye and I thought…’that’s my goal – one day’. Ok so moving on (this is getting quite long and the race has’t started yet ….. haha all things ultra hey).  I have a memory of saying to Cameron ‘I want to run 100 miles’.  His response was ‘I know that, I’ve known for a while'(another sign of a top trainer).  Despite my urge to ‘jump in at the deep end’ even I realised that you kind of need to work up to 100 miles, so last June 2015 (just 18 months after starting running)  I ran Rat Race The Wall Ultramarathon, a 69 mile race from Carlisle to Newcastle (following Hadrian’s Wall).  That event is worthy of a blog post in its own right so maybe I will go back to it another day.  It was life changing for me.  I trained like a trojan and entered a world far beyond any world I ever dreamt I would be part of.  A lot of things were changing in my life and I liked this part of it.  My exercise, fitness  and running were really helping me to find myself and to cope with everything else that life was throwing at me. Aside from officially defining me as an ‘ultra runner’ the other fantastic result of ‘The Wall’ was the friends that I made.  A Facebook Community that I joined prior to the race was particularly active, and being new to ultras I found the camaraderie, tips, build up, excitement and support through training to be priceless.  A small group of us like minded folk who ran ‘The Wall’ (albeit some of them I never actually met at the event and only knew virtually!) set up a new chat group with a new aim – to run 100 miles.  Known as the ‘TP100 Nutters’ we chose Centurion Running TP100 as our goal for 2016.  Following The Wall, I ran a 60 mile ultra (The White Rose) in Yorkshire in November.  Well I say 60 mile, but due to going off course’ several times, I managed to clock up 65.  Although shorter, I found that race tougher than The Wall, both physically and mentally but was not deterred.

Getting to Thames Path 100

Ok so 2 years ago I struggled with 10k. But once I started pushing the miles my resolve was unstoppable and my training became an addiction.  I had no idea how to train for an ultra, but I liked learning.  For both The Wall and TP100 Iooked at 100 mile training plans but never actually managed to follow them .. I basically overtook them. In the last year I have clocked up 4000 miles on my Garmin, averaging 70-75 miles a week, increasing to 80 -100 miles per week leading up TP100.  I regularly run over 50 miles at the weekend, with a 30+ most Sundays. (complimented by lots strength, core, balance, cardio and circuit training etc.)   I guess I am relatively lucky on the injury front.  I get niggles and have had some issues, but regular foam rolling, hot baths and remedial  massage (from Cameron) I seem to keep nasty injuries at bay.  11 weeks before TP100 (with training going really well) I managed an epic fall whilst out running, and split my knee open. I was wearing long running tights, and not realising how bad the wound was I continued running for about 8 miles, and it wasn’t until I looked the leggings off that I found my knee was gaping open to the bone (there’s a lot to be said for lycra).  So off to the hospital I went to get it cleaned a stitched, followed by a frustrating 11 days with no running.  Apart from that minor setback training went well, or as well I thought it could.  Getting my head around the fact that I was going to run 100 miles was somewhat harder but I was more determined than I had been about anything.

Having entered the race back in July 2015, it was a long 9 months – but I passed it ‘chatting virtually’ to my fellow ‘TP100 Nutters’.  The evening before the race we met up in Richmond and it was both brilliant and surreal to meet in person the guys I felt I knew so well but had only spoken to online.  Two of them, Vikki and Bruce, I had met at the Wall, and Vikki had run the White Rose Ultra with me.  Vikki is awesome, check her out at http://100milermum.com (she completed the infamous Northern 100 in New Zealand in March – just a month or so before TP100).  I roomed with Vikki at hotel in Richmond the night before TP100, poor woman didn’t get much sleep with my excitement and pent up taper energy (I really don’t cope with taper well!).

A race of Two Halves – the first 50(ish)

Right, let’s get back to the waterfront at Richmond.  Having passed the kit check (following a last minute nervous panic the day before that my jacket did not meet mandatory kit specifications – of course it more than did), having packed, unpacked and packed my drop bags and ultra pack numerous I stood at start wondering if I had the right food, enough warm clothes, the right socks  ….. and so it goes on.  James from Centurion Running gave the pre-race briefing and then we were off.  I started off strong and was pleased with my running. Just into the race I found myself running with David (one of my ‘virtual’ friends), a great guy and I was enjoying chatting as we ran.  Unfortunately I lost him early on and found myself quite a bit ahead of the guys I knew.  Before the race, against my better judgement, I had allowed myself to set the goal finishing within 24 hours.  The cut off was 28, with relative cut off times at each of the 13 checkpoints (aid stations).  24 hours was ambitious I knew, and 100 miles was unknown territory for me, so finishing was ultimate goal and sub 24 hours would be the icing on the cake.  As I said I started strong and for the first 22 miles I continued strong, I was making good time for me.  I chatted to people as I ran and most were experienced ultra runners impressed to have a ‘virgin 100 miler’ in their midst. This boosted my confidence, however I was under no illusion that the race would be tougher than I could imagine.  The course was relatively flat meaning that the terrain would not determine pace.  The Thames Path is tough on the feet and I was dreading running through the night.  As most endurance sports participants know, you don’t think about running 100 miles, you break the race up and are effectively always running to the next checkpoint.  TP100 was well organised with 13 well stocked aid stations and 2 mid race bag drops, so whilst you could have a crew, I was running unsupported.   The fist aid station was at Walton on Thames, 11 miles in.  Or so they said 11 miles, but actually according to my Garmin it was closer to 12.  As the race progressed I learnt that the distances are not exact (how could they be?) and not to take the expectation of the next checkpoint distance so literally.  At the first couple of aid stations I enjoyed peanut butter wraps and some other goodies provided by the wonderful volunteers.  I cannot praise the people enough – absolutely amazing – more to say about them later.

I continued to run strong (for me) but the going was tough.  I became conscious of the fact that my piriformis was NOT hurting, this was good.  I had had a niggling injury for some weeks – literally a pain in the butt and had thought that I would  be plagued with it throughout the race, but deep tissue massage from Cameron a few days before the race had saved the day.  Several times I bumped into Kate Jayden, who I had met briefly at The Wall.  She’s another awesome ultra runner and triathlete (she has bling from a number of 100 milers and Iron Man plus more).  Kate complemented my running tights and shared her vegan Percy Pig sweets with me – it’s surprising the things you remember!  I also ran with a couple of American fellas, a gorgeous French guy and others.  All were welcoming and encouraging and I was enjoying my run. I remember going through sun, rain and hail. Several times I found myself with a couple of guys. One was particularly friendly and supportive but to my annoyance I cannot remember his name (I want to say Paul but I think Paul was someone else).  I saw him several times throughout the race, his mate was called Bill, so I am going to refer to him as Bill’s mate.  Anyway Bill’s mate suggested I stick with them as long as I could if I wanted someone to run with.  He called me a little ‘speed demon’ which I really am not, but his words were encouraging.  At around 22 and 36 miles I had a lovely surprise.  My friends Nina and Lou (both whom I had met through exercise) were at the roadside (75 percent of race was trail but the was a little road) waving banners and cheering me on.  It was great to give them a hug and hear their words of encouragement.  I continued to run well ticking off aid stations and eating what I could.  I was drinking water and ‘electrolytes’, which I tried for the first time thinking they would help my body to cope (I know I know – nothing new on race day!!!!).  I did obviously start to slow.  I tried not to stop for long at the aid stations but found it harder to get my legs going again after each stop, often walking for a while.   At Hurley 44 miles (45.5 by my watch) I sat down.  I starting to struggle to eat but was still trying to push food down and take in as much liquid as I could.  I saw Bill and Bill’s mate who gave me more much needed encouragement. Many people seemed to be tending to blisters but luckily I was not suffering. My hip flexors were screaming however and I was starting to feel what I can only describe as ’empty’!  I hadn’t seen my fellow ‘TP100 Nutters’ since the start, however I had seen Vikki’s husband who was supporting her, and who told me that Vikki had been struggling with a painful swollen ankle.  I doubted very much that it would stop her but I was concerned for her and my other friends. I was still happy with my time, by my reckoning I managed the first 50 in about 10 hours 40 mins.  By halfway I was slowing though and I had cleared my mind of the ‘finishing in 24 hours’- I knew I could not maintain pace,this was all about making  the cut offs. Henley was the half way checkpoint (or just after) – badged as 51, I made it 53 – I know I know, I have learnt that lesson.  Here I had my first drop bag so could access more stuff.  I had not eaten any of the food that I was carrying and didn’t actually want the food in my drop bag either.  I tried to eat food offered by the volunteers, accepted a welcome cup of coffee and sat down to try and layer up clothing to get me through  the cold night.  This is when I first felt the effects of the race.  I was struggling to co-ordinate to change my clothes.  Bib numbers needed to be visible on our fronts, so I had to unpin my number and put it onto a long sleeved top, I struggled (note to self – get one of those bib number holders that you wear on a belt around your waist!).  I spent far too long at the checkpoint and think my spirits dipped a little but I was over half way now and was still feeling ok – just didn’t want to eat. I hadn’t been checking phone or social media (just the odd text) but at this point I did  post an update on Facebook saying that I was over half way and heading off into a long night.  Cam sent me a text message, which I did read, telling me that I would go through hell but to keep in my head how admired and loved I was.  That helped. As I was leaving, I saw Vikki at the station – she sent me on my way with some encouraging words, that helped too.  So I trudged on into the night.

The second half

Not long after that Vikki caught up with me, and subsequently overtook. She has a rare ability to increase in speed, while the rest of us get slower, Vikki gets quicker.  I was pleased her ankle was holding out and she was  moving well. I ran / walked alone and also with a couple of guys.  There was Martin (who was on his 3rd attempt at TP100) and from the 51 mile point he had a pacer whose name I can’t remember (again I want to say Paul, so maybe he was – someone was called Paul!).

There was a thick fog – freezing.  I didn’t feel that cold but it was eerie.  We were going through fields and it was difficult to see the gates, difficult to see anything despite head torches. I ran when I could and then walked a bit. Then as I trudged along someone came up behind me and took me by the hand.  It was Bruce (one of my TP100 Nutter friends, who I had  met at The Wall).  Bruce is a great guy – he is training to run The Spine next year (that’s a story for another day).  It was great to see Bruce, and we stuck together for the rest of the race, helping each other along.  Reading was the 58(ish) mile checkpoint.  This one was inside, several of them were. I think it was at Reading that I was peeing black.  A slightly worrying sight.  All I could think of was ‘Rhabdomylosis’.  I had heard of this condition whist watching a tv programme about Eddie Izzard’s 27 marathons in 27 days.  The first time he had attempted it, he had pulled out due to this condition which is where the body starts to break down skeletal muscle, and if prolonged it and lead to renal failure. Luckily I recovered soon after the race.  The night was long, my hands were cold despite my gloves.  Bruce had a pair of thermal over mitts – fantastic they are, he gave them to me claiming that my need was greater than his.  This is what Bruce wrote about me in a group chat after the race:

So, how do you upset Nicola Hoy during an ultra?
Simple. At mile 66 take her away from the TP route and run through an estate to a church at a dead end and say “Sorry, it’s not this way, back up the hill” More Brucie bonus miles added.
Then when the fog came down there was no way I could keep up with her so I said ” Go ahead and join those In front I can’t keep up with you”
Whoosh, gone at about 7min mile pace at which point I knew I’d messed up. She NEVER complains, when shivering uncontrollably she said she was fine, everything was fine, she never swore once, probably unable to get a swear word in between mine. I learnt a lot about fortitude during those long hours from you Nicola.
End of story.

I remember the detour, although I think it was my fault as much as Bruce’s, and I suspect that he just couldn’t hear me swear.  Anyway they were kind words and we helped each other along.  At the 71(ish) mile stop at Streatley (I think it was), neither of us felt great.  One of the volunteers changed the batteries in my head torch for me.  I cannot praise those guys enough. Bruce was eating beans and tried to get me to but I just felt sick and worried about retching. By now I was surviving on sips of coke and coffee.  We saw Martin and Paul (or not Paul) several times. The night eventually turned into day – the sunrise was beautiful but I felt I had nothing left.  Onward we ran (and marched when we couldn’t run).

The last 15

What can I say? The last 15 miles seemed like 150.  My watch was already near 90 so that didn’t help the head.  By now Bruce and I were realising the need for quick turnarounds at the checkpoints, so we were planning what we needed to do to get in and out.  I did text my daughter Natalie at one stage.  She and my best friend Sue were meeting me at the finish.  I knew that everyone was tracking my progress on Centurion Running’s live tracker but I text her anyway to say that I was still alive (just)!

Bruce was trying to do Maths, trying to work out how long we had and what pace we needed to go at.  I tried too but gave up very quickly – the brain could not cope with Maths at this stage, but Bruce persevered.   The last 9 miles (final 2 sections) I was hot, dehydrated and running on empty.  I think we redefined ‘digging deep’ that day. It took everything plus some more. I couldn’t tell you what was hurting, by now it was just everything. In the final stages we spotted Matthew Pinsent with his family beside the river.  I think I stared and pointed a bit through my delirium!  The last stretch of pathway went on forever or so it seemed but finally Bruce and I turned the corner to the home stretch.  I just wanted it to end. We had said that we had nothing left in us to run to the finish line, but of course we found a little something – you always do!

So after 26 hours and 48 minutes I finished my first 100 mile race and was handed the coveted buckle.  I always imagine an emotional finish but in reality at the end of an ultra I just feel surreal and overwhelmed.  It was my Natalie who ran over, hugged me and burst into tears, followed by Sue and then Vikki (who of course had finished).

Everything hurt, I felt sick, I hadn’t slept and I was pale as a sheet. But there was only one thought in my head …….. ‘I want to do another one!’